Articles | Volume 18, issue 3
Research article
15 Feb 2021
Research article |  | 15 Feb 2021

Key drivers of pyrogenic carbon redistribution during a simulated rainfall event

Severin-Luca Bellè, Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, Frank Hagedorn, Cristina Santin, Marcus Schiedung, Ilja van Meerveld, and Samuel Abiven

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Cited articles

Abd Elbasit, M. A. M., Yasuda, H., Salmi, A., and Anyoji, H.: Characterization of rainfall generated by dripper-type rainfall simulator using piezoelectric transducers and its impact on splash soil erosion, Earth Surf. Processes, 35, 466–475,, 2010. 
Abiven, S. and Santín, C.: Editorial: From Fires to Oceans: Dynamics of Fire-Derived Organic Matter in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems, Front. Earth Sci., 7, 31,, 2019. 
Abney, R. B. and Berhe, A. A.: Pyrogenic Carbon Erosion: Implications for Stock and Persistence of Pyrogenic Carbon in Soil, Front. Earth Sci., 6, 26,, 2018. 
Abney, R. B., Sanderman, J., Johnson, D., Fogel, M. L., and Berhe, A. A.: Post-wildfire Erosion in Mountainous Terrain Leads to Rapid and Major Redistribution of Soil Organic Carbon, Front. Earth Sci., 5, 99,, 2017. 
Abney, R. B., Kuhn, T. J., Chow, A., Hockaday, W., Fogel, M. L., and Berhe, A. A.: Pyrogenic carbon erosion after the Rim Fire, Yosemite National Park: the role of burn severity and slope, J. Geophys. Res.-Biogeo., 124, 432–449,, 2019a. 
Short summary
Controls of pyrogenic carbon (PyC) redistribution under rainfall are largely unknown. However, PyC mobility can be substantial after initial rain in post-fire landscapes. We conducted a controlled simulation experiment on plots where PyC was applied on the soil surface. We identified redistribution of PyC by runoff and splash and vertical movement in the soil depending on soil texture and PyC characteristics (material and size). PyC also induced changes in exports of native soil organic carbon.
Final-revised paper