Articles | Volume 10, issue 11
Research article
29 Nov 2013
Research article |  | 29 Nov 2013

Soil physical restrictions and hydrology regulate stand age and wood biomass turnover rates of Purus–Madeira interfluvial wetlands in Amazonia

B. B. L. Cintra, J. Schietti, T. Emillio, D. Martins, G. Moulatlet, P. Souza, C. Levis, C. A. Quesada, and J. Schöngart

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Cited articles

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Chacon, N., Silver, W. L., Dubinsky, E. A., and Cusack, D. F. Iron reduction and soil phosphorous solubilization in humid tropical forest soils: the roles of labile carbon pools and an electron shuttle compound, Biogeochemistry, 78, 67–84, 2006.
Final-revised paper