Articles | Volume 14, issue 15
Research article
10 Aug 2017
Research article |  | 10 Aug 2017

Small phytoplankton contribution to the standing stocks and the total primary production in the Amundsen Sea

Sang H. Lee, Bo Kyung Kim, Yu Jeong Lim, HuiTae Joo, Jae Joong Kang, Dabin Lee, Jisoo Park, Sun-Yong Ha, and Sang Hoon Lee

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Little information on the contribution of small-sized phytoplankton is currently available in the Amundsen Sea. Based on a strong negative correlation between the contributions of small phytoplankton and the total daily primary production of phytoplankton found in this study, we concluded that a potential decrease in total primary production would be led by increasing contribution of small phytoplankton in the Amundsen Sea under rapidly warming environmental conditions.
Final-revised paper