Articles | Volume 17, issue 13
Research article
 | Highlight paper
08 Jul 2020
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 08 Jul 2020

On giant shoulders: how a seamount affects the microbial community composition of seawater and sponges

Kathrin Busch, Ulrike Hanz, Furu Mienis, Benjamin Mueller, Andre Franke, Emyr Martyn Roberts, Hans Tore Rapp, and Ute Hentschel

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Cited articles

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Busch, K., Hanz, U., Mienis, F., Müller, B., Franke, A., Roberts, E. M., Rapp, H. T., and Hentschel, U.: Microbial diversity and biogeochemical parameters at Schulz Bank seamount (Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge) measured in summer 2016, 2017 and 2018, PANGAEA,, 2020. 
Short summary
Seamounts are globally abundant submarine structures that offer great potential to study the impacts and interactions of environmental gradients at a single geographic location. In an exemplary way, we describe potential mechanisms by which a seamount can affect the structure of pelagic and benthic (sponge-)associated microbial communities. We conclude that the geology, physical oceanography, biogeochemistry, and microbiology of seamounts are even more closely linked than currently appreciated.
Final-revised paper