Articles | Volume 20, issue 18
Research article
27 Sep 2023
Research article |  | 27 Sep 2023

Deciphering the origin of dubiofossils from the Pennsylvanian of the Paraná Basin, Brazil

João Pedro Saldanha, Joice Cagliari, Rodrigo Scalise Horodyski, Lucas Del Mouro, and Mírian Liza Alves Forancelli Pacheco

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Manuscript not accepted for further review
Short summary

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Short summary
We analyze a complex and branched mineral structure with an obscure origin, considering form, matrix, composition, and context. Comparisons eliminate controlled biominerals. The structure's intricate history suggests microbial influence and alterations, followed by a thermal event. Complex interactions shaped its forms, making origin classification tougher. This study highlights the elaborated nature of dubiofossils, identifying challenges in distinguishing biominerals from abiotic minerals.
Final-revised paper