Articles | Volume 20, issue 3
Research article
 | Highlight paper
02 Feb 2023
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 02 Feb 2023

The influence of elevated CO2 and soil depth on rhizosphere activity and nutrient availability in a mature Eucalyptus woodland

Johanna Pihlblad, Louise C. Andresen, Catriona A. Macdonald, David S. Ellsworth, and Yolima Carrillo

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Cited articles

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Andresen, L. C., Carrillo, Y., Macdonald, C. A., Castañeda-Gómez, L., Bodé, S., and Rütting, T.: Nitrogen dynamics after two years of elevated CO2 in phosphorus limited Eucalyptus woodland, Biogeochemistry, 150, 297–312,, 2020. 
This paper advances our understanding of forest responses to elevated CO2 by considering implications for nutrient availability across the soil profile and the particular role of nutrient recycling in the rhizosphere versus soil organic matter mineralization.
Short summary
Elevated CO2 in the atmosphere increases forest biomass productivity when growth is not limited by soil nutrients. This study explores how mature trees stimulate soil availability of nitrogen and phosphorus with free-air carbon dioxide enrichment after 5 years of fumigation. We found that both nutrient availability and processes feeding available pools increased in the rhizosphere, and phosphorus increased at depth. This appears to not be by decomposition but by faster recycling of nutrients.
Final-revised paper