Articles | Volume 20, issue 3
Research article
15 Feb 2023
Research article |  | 15 Feb 2023

Duration of extraction determines CO2 and CH4 emissions from an actively extracted peatland in eastern Quebec, Canada

Laura Clark, Ian B. Strachan, Maria Strack, Nigel T. Roulet, Klaus-Holger Knorr, and Henning Teickner

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Cited articles

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Short summary
We determine the effect that duration of extraction has on CO2 and CH4 emissions from an actively extracted peatland. Peat fields had high net C emissions in the first years after opening, and these then declined to half the initial value for several decades. Findings contribute to knowledge on the atmospheric burden that results from these activities and are of use to industry in their life cycle reporting and government agencies responsible for greenhouse gas accounting and policy.
Final-revised paper