Articles | Volume 13, issue 9
Research article
10 May 2016
Research article |  | 10 May 2016

Along-stream transport and transformation of dissolved organic matter in a large tropical river

Thibault Lambert, Cristian R. Teodoru, Frank C. Nyoni, Steven Bouillon, François Darchambeau, Philippe Massicotte, and Alberto V. Borges

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Revised manuscript accepted for BG
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Cited articles

Amon, R. M. W. and Benner, R.: Bacterial utilization of different size classes of dissolved organic matter, Limnol. Oceanogr., 41, 41–51, 1996.
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Borcard, D., Gillet, F., and Legendre, P.: Numerical ecology with R, Springer New York, New York, 306 pp.,, 2011.
Borges, A. V., Darchambeau, F., Teodoru, C. R., Marwick, T. R., Tamooh, F., Geeraert, N., Omengo, F. O., Guerin, F., Lambert, T., Morana, C., Okuku, E., and Bouillon, S.: Globally significant greenhouse-gas emissions from african inland waters, Nat. Geosci., 8, 637–642,, 2015a.
Short summary
This manuscript presents a detailed analysis of transport and transformation of dissolved organic matter along the Zambezi River and its largest tributary. A particular focus is put on the effects of floodplains/wetlands and reservoirs as well as low-flow vs. high-flow conditions on the longitudinal patterns in DOM concentration and composition. It is the first study to present such a detailed analysis for a whole, large river system, and in particular for a tropical river other than the Amazon.
Final-revised paper