Articles | Volume 15, issue 7
Research article
17 Apr 2018
Research article |  | 17 Apr 2018

Contribution of fine tree roots to the silicon cycle in a temperate forest ecosystem developed on three soil types

Marie-Pierre Turpault, Christophe Calvaruso, Gil Kirchen, Paul-Olivier Redon, and Carine Cochet

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Silicon (Si) plays an important role in soil processes. If the influence of forest vegetation in the Si cycle has been widely examined, no study has investigated the specific role of fine tree roots. This study reveals that biological processes play a predominant role in the Si cycle in temperate forest ecosystems, while the geochemical processes seems to be limited. About 99 % of the Si taken up by trees each year returns to the soil via the degradation of litterfall and fine dead roots.
Final-revised paper