Articles | Volume 18, issue 21
Research article
03 Nov 2021
Research article |  | 03 Nov 2021

On the influence of erect shrubs on the irradiance profile in snow

Maria Belke-Brea, Florent Domine, Ghislain Picard, Mathieu Barrere, and Laurent Arnaud

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Cited articles

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Belke-Brea, M., Domine, F., Barrere, M., Picard, G., and Arnaud, L.: Impact of Shrubs on Surface Albedo and Snow Specific Surface Area at a Low Arctic Site: In-Situ Measurements and Simulations, J. Climate, 33, 1–42,, 2019. 
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Expanding shrubs in the Arctic change snowpacks into a mix of snow, impurities and buried branches. Snow is a translucent medium into which light penetrates and gets partly absorbed by branches or impurities. Measurements of light attenuation in snow in Northern Quebec, Canada, showed (1) black-carbon-dominated light attenuation in snowpacks without shrubs and (2) buried branches influence radiation attenuation in snow locally, leading to melting and pockets of large crystals close to branches.
Final-revised paper