Articles | Volume 22, issue 5
Research article
10 Mar 2025
Research article |  | 10 Mar 2025

Animal burrowing at cold seep ecotones boosts productivity by linking macromolecule turnover with chemosynthesis and nutrient cycling

Maxim Rubin-Blum, Eyal Rahav, Guy Sisma-Ventura, Yana Yudkovski, Zoya Harbuzov, Or M. Bialik, Oded Ezra, Anneleen Foubert, Barak Herut, and Yizhaq Makovsky

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Cited articles

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Short summary

Chemotones, transition zones in chemosynthetic ecosystems, alter geochemical cycles and biodiversity. We studied seep chemotones, which are heavily burrowed by ghost shrimp. To investigate if burrowing affects habitat functionality, we surveyed the seafloor with deep-sea vehicles, analyzed sediment, and explored microbial communities in burrows. We found chemosynthetic biofilms, linking them to macromolecule turnover and nutrient cycling. This process may play a crucial role in deep-sea cycles.

Final-revised paper