Articles | Volume 19, issue 9
Research article
05 May 2022
Research article |  | 05 May 2022

Phosphorus stress strongly reduced plant physiological activity, but only temporarily, in a mesocosm experiment with Zea mays colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

Melanie S. Verlinden, Hamada AbdElgawad, Arne Ven, Lore T. Verryckt, Sebastian Wieneke, Ivan A. Janssens, and Sara Vicca

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AbdElgawad, H., Avramova, V., Baggerman, G., Van Raemdonck, G., Valkenborg, D., Van Ostade, X., Guisez, Y., Prinsen, E., Asard, H., Van den Ende, W., Gerrit, T. S., and Beemster, G. T. S.: Starch biosynthesis contributes to the maintenance of photosynthesis and leaf growth under drought stress in maize, Plant Cell Environ., 43, 2254–2271,, 2020. 
AbdElgawad, H., Peshev, D., Zinta, G., Van den Ende, W., Janssens, I. A., and Asard, H.: Climate extreme effects on the chemical composition of temperate grassland species under ambient and elevated CO2: a comparison of fructan and non-Fructan accumulators, Plos One, 9, e92044,, 2014. 
Ashraf, M. and Harris, P. J. C.: Photosynthesis under stressful environments: An overview, Photosynthetica, 51, 163–190,, 2013. 
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Short summary
Zea mays grows in mesocosms with different soil nutrition levels. At low phosphorus (P) availability, leaf physiological activity initially decreased strongly. P stress decreased over the season. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) symbiosis increased over the season. AMF symbiosis is most likely responsible for gradual reduction in P stress.
Final-revised paper