Articles | Volume 20, issue 18
Reviews and syntheses
15 Sep 2023
Reviews and syntheses |  | 15 Sep 2023

Reviews and syntheses: Understanding the impacts of peatland catchment management on dissolved organic matter concentration and treatability

Jennifer Williamson, Chris Evans, Bryan Spears, Amy Pickard, Pippa J. Chapman, Heidrun Feuchtmayr, Fraser Leith, Susan Waldron, and Don Monteith

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Will UK peatland restoration reduce dissolved organic matter concentrations in upland drinking water supplies?
Jennifer Williamson, Christopher Evans, Bryan Spears, Amy Pickard, Pippa J. Chapman, Heidrun Feuchtmayr, Fraser Leith, and Don Monteith
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.,,, 2020
Manuscript not accepted for further review
Short summary

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Driving and limiting factors of CH4 and CO2 emissions from coastal brackish-water wetlands in temperate regions
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Spatial patterns of Organic Matter content in the surface soil of the salt marshes of the Venice Lagoon (Italy)
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EGUsphere,,, 2023
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Reviews and syntheses: Greenhouse gas emissions from drained organic forest soils – synthesizing data for site-specific emission factors for boreal and cool temperate regions
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Cited articles

Alderson, D. M., Evans, M. G., Shuttleworth, E. L., Pilkington, M., Spencer, T., Walker, J., and Allott, T. E. H.: Trajectories of ecosystem change in restored blanket peatlands, Sci. Total Environ., 665, 785–796,, 2019. 
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Andersen, R., Farrell, C., Graf, M., Muller, F., Calvar, E., Frankard, P., Caporn, S., and Anderson, P.: An overview of the progress and challenges of peatland restoration in Western Europe, Restor. Ecol., 25, 271–282,, 2017. 
Anderson, P.: United Utilities sustainable catchment management programme water quality monitoring results, Penny Anderson Associates Ltd., 2012. 
Anderson, T. R., Rowe, E. C., Polimene, L., Tipping, E., Evans, C. D., Barry, C. D. G., Hansell, D. A., Kaiser, K., Kitidis, V., Lapworth, D. J., Mayor, D. J., Monteith, D. T., Pickard, A. E., Sanders, R. J., Spears, B. M., Torres, R., Tye, A. M., Wade, A. J., and Waska, H.: Unified concepts for understanding and modelling turnover of dissolved organic matter from freshwaters to the ocean: the UniDOM model, Biogeochemistry, 146, 105–123,, 2019. 
Short summary
Managing drinking water catchments to minimise water colour could reduce costs for water companies and save their customers money. Brown-coloured water comes from peat soils, primarily around upland reservoirs. Management practices, including blocking drains, removing conifers, restoring peatland plants and reducing burning, have been used to try and reduce water colour. This work brings together published evidence of the effectiveness of these practices to aid water industry decision-making.
Final-revised paper