Articles | Volume 21, issue 1
Reviews and syntheses
12 Jan 2024
Reviews and syntheses |  | 12 Jan 2024

Reviews and syntheses: The clam before the storm – a meta-analysis showing the effect of combined climate change stressors on bivalves

Rachel A. Kruft Welton, George Hoppit, Daniela N. Schmidt, James D. Witts, and Benjamin C. Moon

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Cited articles

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Short summary
We conducted a meta-analysis of known experimental literature examining how marine bivalve growth rates respond to climate change. Growth is usually negatively impacted by climate change.  Bivalve eggs/larva are generally more vulnerable than either juveniles or adults. Available data on the bivalve response to climate stressors are biased towards early growth stages (commercially important in the Global North), and many families have only single experiments examining climate change impacts.
Final-revised paper