Articles | Volume 21, issue 19
Research article
10 Oct 2024
Research article |  | 10 Oct 2024

Global impact of benthic denitrification on marine N2 fixation and primary production simulated by a variable-stoichiometry Earth system model

Na Li, Christopher J. Somes, Angela Landolfi, Chia-Te Chien, Markus Pahlow, and Andreas Oschlies

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Short summary
N is a crucial nutrient that limits phytoplankton growth in large ocean areas. The amount of oceanic N is governed by the balance of N2 fixation and denitrification. Here we incorporate benthic denitrification into an Earth system model with variable particulate stoichiometry. Our model compares better to the observed surface nutrient distributions, marine N2 fixation, and primary production. Benthic denitrification plays an important role in marine N and C cycling and hence the global climate.
Final-revised paper