Articles | Volume 12, issue 1
Research article
05 Jan 2015
Research article |  | 05 Jan 2015

Spatiotemporal variations of nitrogen isotopic records in the Arabian Sea

S.-J. Kao, B.-Y. Wang, L.-W. Zheng, K. Selvaraj, S.-C. Hsu, X. H. Sean Wan, M. Xu, and C.-T. Arthur Chen

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Cited articles

Agnihotri, R., Altabet, M. A., and Herbert, T.: Influence of marine denitrification on atmospheric N2O variability during the Holocene, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, , L13704,, 2006.
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Short summary
This paper presents a new sedimentary nitrogen isotope record (d15N) of a sediment core from the southeastern Arabian Sea (AS). By compiling the published nitrogen isotope data in the AS, we obtain geographically distinctive bottom-depth effects for the northern and southern AS since 35ka. After eliminating the bottom-depth bias, we observe opposite d15N trends in the Holocene between these two areas, reflecting a special coupling of denitrification to the north and N2-fixation to the south.
Final-revised paper