Articles | Volume 13, issue 1
Research article
15 Jan 2016
Research article |  | 15 Jan 2016

Insights into the transfer of silicon isotopes into the sediment record

V. N. Panizzo, G. E. A. Swann, A. W. Mackay, E. Vologina, M. Sturm, V. Pashley, and M. S. A. Horstwood

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Cited articles

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Atlas Baikalia: “Siberia” Program Interdepartmental Scientific Committee of the SB RAS, Federal'naya Sluzhba Geodezii i Kartografii Rossii, Moscow, 1993 (in Russian).
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Lake Baikal, Siberia, is the world's most voluminous lake. Diatoms are the most dominant primary producers in the lake and form the basis of the food chain. This paper investigated the productivity of these organisms over the course of a year with a view to understanding their preservation in sediments and their value for reconstructing past productivity in the lake. This is important when recent climate change and the pressures of pollution are having demonstrable impacts in the region.
Final-revised paper