Articles | Volume 14, issue 13
Research article
06 Jul 2017
Research article |  | 06 Jul 2017

Preface: The Oligotrophy to the UlTra-oligotrophy PACific Experiment (OUTPACE cruise, 18 February to 3 April 2015)

Thierry Moutin, Andrea Michelangelo Doglioli, Alain de Verneil, and Sophie Bonnet

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Carbonate system distribution, anthropogenic carbon and acidification in the western tropical South Pacific (OUTPACE 2015 transect)
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Cited articles

Altabet, M. A.: Variations in Nitrogen Isotopic Composition between Sinking and Suspended Particles – Implications for Nitrogen Cycling and Particle Transformation in the Open Ocean, Deep-Sea Res., 35, 535–554, 1988.
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Benavides, M. and Voss, M.: Five decades of N2 fixation research in the North Atlantic Ocean, Frontiers in Marine Science, 2, 40,, 2015.
Benavides, M., Moisander, P. H., Dittmar, T., Berthelot, H., Grosso, O., and Bonnet, S.: Aphotic N2 fixation is related to labile organic matter in the Western Tropical South Pacific, Biogeosciences, in preparation, 2017.
Berman-Frank, I., Spungin, D., Belkin, N., Van-Wambeke, F., Gimenez, A., Caffin, M., Stengren, M., Foster, R., Knapp, A., and Bonnet, S.: Programmed cell death in diazotrophs and the fate of C and N in the Western Tropical South Pacific, Biogeosciences, in preparation, 2017.
Short summary
The overall goal of OUTPACE was to obtain a successful representation of the interactions between planktonic organisms and the cycle of biogenic elements in the western tropical South Pacific Ocean across trophic and N2 fixation gradients. The international OUTPACE cruise took place between 18 February and 3 April 2015 aboard the RV L’Atalante and involved 60 scientists. The transect covered ~4 000 km from the western part of the Melanesian archipelago to the western boundary of the gyre.
Final-revised paper