Articles | Volume 15, issue 5
Research article
08 Mar 2018
Research article |  | 08 Mar 2018

Effect of temperature rise and ocean acidification on growth of calcifying tubeworm shells (Spirorbis spirorbis): an in situ benthocosm approach

Sha Ni, Isabelle Taubner, Florian Böhm, Vera Winde, and Michael E. Böttcher

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Cited articles

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Böhm, F., Ni, S., Taubner, I., Winde, V., and Böttcher, M. E.: Tube growth data of Spirorbis spirorbis in benthocosm experiments, PANGAEA,, 2018.
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Spirorbis tube worms are common epibionts on brown algae in the Baltic Sea. We made experiments with Spirorbis in the Kiel Outdoor Benthocosms at CO2 and temperature conditions predicted for the year 2100. The worms were able to grow tubes even at CO2 levels favouring shell dissolution but did not survive at mean temperatures over 24° C. This indicates that Spirorbis worms will suffer from future excessive ocean warming and from ocean acidification fostering corrosion of their protective tubes.
Final-revised paper