Articles | Volume 17, issue 19
Research article
13 Oct 2020
Research article |  | 13 Oct 2020

Alpine Holocene tree-ring dataset: age-related trends in the stable isotopes of cellulose show species-specific patterns

Tito Arosio, Malin M. Ziehmer, Kurt Nicolussi, Christian Schlüchter, and Markus Leuenberger

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Revised manuscript not accepted
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Cited articles

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Arosio, T., Ziehmer M. M., Nicolussi K., Schlüchter C., and Leuenberger M.: Larch cellulose is significantly depleted in deuterium isotopes with respect to evergreen conifers, Front. Earth Sci., submitted, 2020. 
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Short summary
Stable isotopes in tree-ring cellulose are tools for climatic reconstructions, but interpretation is challenging due to nonclimate trends. We analyzed the tree-age trends in tree-ring isotopes of deciduous larch and evergreen cembran pine. Samples covering the whole Holocene were collected at the tree line in the Alps. For cambial ages over 100 years, we prove the absence of age trends in δD, δ18O, and δ13C for both species. For lower cambial ages, trends differ for each isotope and species.
Final-revised paper