Articles | Volume 19, issue 13
Research article
13 Jul 2022
Research article |  | 13 Jul 2022

The European forest carbon budget under future climate conditions and current management practices

Roberto Pilli, Ramdane Alkama, Alessandro Cescatti, Werner A. Kurz, and Giacomo Grassi

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Avitabile, V., Pilli, R., and Camia, A.: The biomass of European forests, EUR 30462 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 52 pp.,, 2020. 
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Blujdea, V. N., Viskari, T., Kulmala, L., Gârbacea, G., Dutcǎ, I., Miclǎuş, M., Marin, G., and Liski, J.: Silvicultural interventions drive the changes in soil organic carbon in Romanian forests according to two model simulations, Forests, 12, 795,, 2021b. 
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Böttcher, H. and Frelih-Larsen, A.: Options for Strengthening Natural Carbon Sinks and Reducing Land Use Emissions in the EU, Öko-Institut e.V., Working paper, 66 pp., (last access: 27 June 2022), 2021. 
Short summary
To become carbon neutral by 2050, the European Union (EU27) forest C sink should increase to −450 Mt CO2 yr-1. Our study highlights that under current management practices (i.e. excluding any policy scenario) the forest C sink of the EU27 member states and the UK may decrease to about −250 Mt CO2eq yr-1 in 2050. The expected impacts of future climate change, however, add a considerable uncertainty, potentially nearly doubling or halving the sink associated with forest management.
Final-revised paper