Articles | Volume 21, issue 19
Research article
 | Highlight paper
02 Oct 2024
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 02 Oct 2024

The effects of land use on soil carbon stocks in the UK

Peter Levy, Laura Bentley, Peter Danks, Bridget Emmett, Angus Garbutt, Stephen Heming, Peter Henrys, Aidan Keith, Inma Lebron, Niall McNamara, Richard Pywell, John Redhead, David Robinson, and Alexander Wickenden

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Cited articles

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This study proposes revising the effect sizes of land use on SOC stock across the UK using a large dataset and a more robust analysis. It may serve as the basis for new reports of the nationwide land use emissions following the guidelines of the UNFCCC agreement. In addition, the study demonstrates the limitation of the space-for-time substitution assumption for estimating these effects.
Short summary
We collated a large data set (15 790 soil cores) on soil carbon stock in different land uses. Soil carbon stocks were highest in woodlands and lowest in croplands. The variability in the effects was large. This has important implications for agri-environment schemes seeking to sequester carbon in the soil by altering land use because the effect of a given intervention is very hard to verify.
Final-revised paper