Articles | Volume 14, issue 10
Research article
24 May 2017
Research article |  | 24 May 2017

Limited protection of macro-aggregate-occluded organic carbon in Siberian steppe soils

Norbert Bischoff, Robert Mikutta, Olga Shibistova, Alexander Puzanov, Marina Silanteva, Anna Grebennikova, Roland Fuß, and Georg Guggenberger

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Cited articles

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Bischoff, N., Mikutta, R., Shibistova, O., Puzanov, A., Reichert, E., Silanteva, M., Grebennikova, A., Schaarschmidt, F., Heinicke, S., and Guggenberger, G.: Land-use change under different climatic conditions: Consequences for organic matter and microbial communities in Siberian steppe soils, Agr. Ecosyst. Environ., 235, 253–264,, 2016.
Short summary
This study set out to determine the quantity of organic carbon (OC) which is protected from microbial decomposition in macro-aggregates of Siberian steppe soils under different land use. Our results imply that the quantity of macro-aggregate protected OC is smaller than in similar steppe ecosystems like the North American prairies. We conclude that the tillage-induced breakdown of macro-aggregates after grassland to arable land conversion has not reduced the OC contents in the studied soils.
Final-revised paper