Articles | Volume 14, issue 19
Research article
11 Oct 2017
Research article |  | 11 Oct 2017

Effects of ultraviolet radiation on photosynthetic performance and N2 fixation in Trichodesmium erythraeum IMS 101

Xiaoni Cai, David A. Hutchins, Feixue Fu, and Kunshan Gao

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Short summary
Trichodesmium is significant marine N2 fixer. We conducted short- and long-term UV exposure experiment to investigate how UV affects this organism. Our results showed N2 fixation and carbon fixation rates were significantly reduced under UV radiation. As a defense strategy, Trichodesmium is able to synthesize UV-absorbing compounds to protect from UV damage. Our results suggest that shipboard experiments in UV-opaque containers may have substantially overestimated in situ N2 fixation rate.
Final-revised paper