Articles | Volume 20, issue 12
Research article
 | Highlight paper
27 Jun 2023
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 27 Jun 2023

Impact of deoxygenation and warming on global marine species in the 21st century

Anne L. Morée, Tayler M. Clarke, William W. L. Cheung, and Thomas L. Frölicher

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Cited articles

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Marine warming and deoxygenation are projected to intensify and drive a relative decrease in global habitat viability penetrating to all depths with warming dominating at the surface and deoxygenation becomes increasingly important with depth. In a 2°C scenario of global warming, epipelagic species' habitat losses are generally in the order of 0.1-0.5 million km3, while mesopelagic habitat losses are 0.01-0.15 million km3 and demersal losses are in the order of about 0.00025 million km3.
Short summary
Ocean temperature and oxygen shape marine habitats together with species’ characteristics. We calculated the impacts of projected 21st-century warming and oxygen loss on the contemporary habitat volume of 47 marine species and described the drivers of these impacts. Most species lose less than 5 % of their habitat at 2 °C of global warming, but some species incur losses 2–3 times greater than that. We also calculate which species may be most vulnerable to climate change and why this is the case.
Final-revised paper