Articles | Volume 11, issue 7
Research article
07 Apr 2014
Research article |  | 07 Apr 2014

Isotopic composition of water-soluble nitrate in bulk atmospheric deposition at Dongsha Island: sources and implications of external N supply to the northern South China Sea

J.-Y. T. Yang, S.-C. Hsu, M. H. Dai, S. S.-Y. Hsiao, and S.-J. Kao

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Circulation and oxygenation of the glacial South China Sea
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Preservation of terrestrial organic carbon in marine sediments offshore Taiwan: mountain building and atmospheric carbon dioxide sequestration
S.-J. Kao, R. G. Hilton, K. Selvaraj, M. Dai, F. Zehetner, J.-C. Huang, S.-C. Hsu, R. Sparkes, J. T. Liu, T.-Y. Lee, J.-Y. T. Yang, A. Galy, X. Xu, and N. Hovius
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Final-revised paper