Articles | Volume 13, issue 9
Research article
11 May 2016
Research article |  | 11 May 2016

Introduction to the project VAHINE: VAriability of vertical and tropHIc transfer of diazotroph derived N in the south wEst Pacific

Sophie Bonnet, Thierry Moutin, Martine Rodier, Jean-Michel Grisoni, Francis Louis, Eric Folcher, Bertrand Bourgeois, Jean-Michel Boré, and Armelle Renaud

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Preprint withdrawn
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Cited articles

Berman-Frank, I., Spungin, D., Rahav, E., Van Wambeke, F., Turk-Kubo, K., and Moutin, T.: Dynamics of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) during the VAHINE mesocosm experiment in the New Caledonia lagoon, Biogeosciences Discuss.,, in review, 2016.
Berthelot, H., Moutin, T., L'Helguen, S., Leblanc, K., Hélias, S., Grosso, O., Leblond, N., Charrière, B., and Bonnet, S.: Dinitrogen fixation and dissolved organic nitrogen fueled primary production and particulate export during the VAHINE mesocosm experiment (New Caledonia lagoon), Biogeosciences, 12, 4099–4112,, 2015.
Berthelot, H., Bonnet, S., Grosso, O., Cornet, V., and Barani, A.: Transfer of diazotroph derived nitrogen towards non-diazotrophic planktonic communities: a comparative study between Trichodesmium erythraeum, Crocosphaera watsonii and Cyanothece sp., Biogeosciences Discuss.,, in review, 2016.
Biegala, I. C. and Raimbault, P.: High abundance of diazotrophic picocyanobacteria (< 3 µm) in a Southwest Pacific coral lagoon, Aquat. Microb. Ecol., 51, 45–53, 2008.
Bombar, D., Taylor, C. D., Wilson, S. T., Robidart, J. C., Rabines, A., Turk-Kubo, K. A., Kemp, J. N., Karl, D. M., and Zehr, J. P.: Measurements of nitrogen fixation in the oligotrophic North Pacific Subtropical Gyre using a free-drifting submersible incubation device, J. Plank. Res., 37, 727–739, 2015.
Short summary
e main goal of the VAHINE project was to study the fate of N2 fixation in the ocean. Three large-volume (~ 50 m3) mesocosms were deployed in a tropical oligotrophic ecosystem (the New Caledonia lagoon, south-eastern Pacific). This introductory paper describes the scientific objectives of the project in detail as well as the implementation plan: the mesocosm description and deployment, the selection of the study site, and the logistical and sampling strategy.
Final-revised paper