Articles | Volume 13, issue 2
Research article
22 Jan 2016
Research article |  | 22 Jan 2016

Phytoplankton dynamics driven by vertical nutrient fluxes during the spring inter-monsoon period in the northeastern South China Sea

Q. P. Li, Y. Dong, and Y. Wang

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Cited articles

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Phytoplankton patchiness in the northeastern SCS during May 2014 could be largely controlled by vertical nutrient fluxes including turbulent diffusion and curl-driven upwelling. There was an increasing turbulent diffusion but decreasing curl-driven upwelling from the coastal upwelling zones to the offshore pelagic zones. Elevated fluxes near Dongsha led to net growth of a diatom-rich community, whereas low fluxes near southwest Taiwan resulted in a decline of a picoplankton bloom.
Final-revised paper