Articles | Volume 20, issue 23
Reviews and syntheses
07 Dec 2023
Reviews and syntheses |  | 07 Dec 2023

Reviews and syntheses: Greenhouse gas emissions from drained organic forest soils – synthesizing data for site-specific emission factors for boreal and cool temperate regions

Jyrki Jauhiainen, Juha Heikkinen, Nicholas Clarke, Hongxing He, Lise Dalsgaard, Kari Minkkinen, Paavo Ojanen, Lars Vesterdal, Jukka Alm, Aldis Butlers, Ingeborg Callesen, Sabine Jordan, Annalea Lohila, Ülo Mander, Hlynur Óskarsson, Bjarni D. Sigurdsson, Gunnhild Søgaard, Kaido Soosaar, Åsa Kasimir, Brynhildur Bjarnadottir, Andis Lazdins, and Raija Laiho

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Preprint archived
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Cited articles

Abdalla, M., Hastings, A., Truu, J., Espenberg, M., Mander, Ü., and Smith, P.: Emissions of methane from northern peatlands: A review of management impacts and implications for future management options, Ecol. Evol., 6, 7080–7102,, 2016. 
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Basiliko, N., Blodau, C., Roehm, C., Bengtson, P., and Moore, T. M.: Regulation of decomposition and methane dynamics across natural, commercially mined, and restored northern peatlands, Ecosystems, 10, 1148–1165,, 2007. 
Bengtsson, F., Granath, G., and Rydin, H.: Photosynthesis, growth, and decay traits in Sphagnum – a multispecies comparison, Ecol. Evol., 6, 3325–3341,, 2016. 
Short summary
The study looked at published data on drained organic forest soils in boreal and temperate zones to revisit current Tier 1 default emission factors (EFs) provided by the IPCC Wetlands Supplement. We examined the possibilities of forming more site-type specific EFs and inspected the potential relevance of environmental variables for predicting annual soil greenhouse gas balances by statistical models. The results have important implications for EF revisions and national emission reporting.
Final-revised paper