Articles | Volume 15, issue 3
Technical note
15 Feb 2018
Technical note |  | 15 Feb 2018

Technical note: Comparison of methane ebullition modelling approaches used in terrestrial wetland models

Olli Peltola, Maarit Raivonen, Xuefei Li, and Timo Vesala

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Cited articles

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AVAA: Open research data publishing platform, available at:
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Chanton, J. P.: The effect of gas transport on the isotope signature of methane in wetlands, Org. Geochem., 36, 753–768,, 2005.
Short summary
Emission via bubbling, i.e. ebullition, is one of the main CH4 emission pathways from wetlands to the atmosphere, yet it is still coarsely represented in wetland CH4 models. In this study three ebullition modelling approaches are evaluated. Modeled annual CH4 emissions were similar, whereas temporal variability in CH4 emissions varied an order of magnitude between the approaches. Hence realistic description of ebullition is needed when models are compared to and calibrated against measurements.
Final-revised paper