Articles | Volume 16, issue 10
Research article
28 May 2019
Research article |  | 28 May 2019

Microbial biobanking – cyanobacteria-rich topsoil facilitates mine rehabilitation

Wendy Williams, Angela Chilton, Mel Schneemilch, Stephen Williams, Brett Neilan, and Colin Driscoll

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Short summary
Rare earth mining processes require the removal of topsoil that is mechanically scraped off and relocated to topsoil stockpiles, which proved beneficial for microbial biobanking. But there appears to be a critical time frame for holding topsoil, and rainfall penetration into the stockpile may result in the demise of cyanobacteria. In the longer term, provided conditions are favourable, there may be adequate cyanobacterial survival, at least down to 50 cm, to recolonise the soil surfaces.
Final-revised paper