Articles | Volume 17, issue 8
Research article
30 Apr 2020
Research article |  | 30 Apr 2020

Patterns and trends of the dominant environmental controls of net biome productivity

Barbara Marcolla, Mirco Migliavacca, Christian Rödenbeck, and Alessandro Cescatti

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Cited articles

Alkama, R. and Cescatti, A.: Biophysical climate impacts of recent changes in global forest cover, Science, 351, 600–604,, 2016. 
Baldocchi, D.: Assessing the eddy covariance technique for evaluating carbon dioxide exchange rates of ecosystems: past, present and future, Glob. Chang. Biol., 9, 479–492, 2003. 
Barichivich, J., Briffa, K. R., Myneni, R., van der Schrier, G., Dorigo, W., Tucker, C. J., Osborn, T. J., and Melvin, T. M.: Temperature and snow-mediated moisture controls of summer photosynthetic activity in northern terrestrial ecosystems between 1982 and 2011, Remote Sens., 6, 1390–1431,, 2014. 
Short summary
This work investigates the sensitivity of terrestrial CO2 fluxes to climate drivers. We observed that CO2 flux is mostly controlled by temperature during the growing season and by radiation off season. We also observe that radiation importance is increasing over time while sensitivity to temperature is decreasing in Eurasia. Ultimately this analysis shows that ecosystem response to climate is changing, with potential repercussions for future terrestrial sink and land role in climate mitigation.
Final-revised paper