Articles | Volume 7, issue 3
05 Mar 2010
 | 05 Mar 2010

Effects of seagulls on ecosystem respiration, soil nitrogen and vegetation cover on a pristine volcanic island, Surtsey, Iceland

B. D. Sigurdsson and B. Magnusson

Related subject area

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Terrestrial
Linking geomorphological processes and wildlife microhabitat selection: nesting birds select refuges generated by permafrost degradation in the Arctic
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Distinguishing mature and immature trees allows estimating forest carbon uptake from stand structure
Samuel M. Fischer, Xugao Wang, and Andreas Huth
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“Blooming” of litter-mixing effects: the role of flower and leaf litter interactions on decomposition in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
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From simple labels to semantic image segmentation: leveraging citizen science plant photographs for tree species mapping in drone imagery
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Plant functional traits modulate the effects of soil acidification on above- and belowground biomass
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Cited articles

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Final-revised paper