Articles | Volume 12, issue 19
Research article
08 Oct 2015
Research article |  | 08 Oct 2015

Modeling micro-topographic controls on boreal peatland hydrology and methane fluxes

F. Cresto Aleina, B. R. K. Runkle, T. Kleinen, L. Kutzbach, J. Schneider, and V. Brovkin

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Cited articles

Acharya, S., Kaplan, D. A., Casey, S., Cohen, M. J., and Jawitz, J. W.: Coupled local facilitation and global hydrologic inhibition drive landscape geometry in a patterned peatland, Hydrol. Earth Sys. Sci., 19, 2133–2144,, 2015.
Avagyan, A., Runkle, B., Hartmann, J., and Kutzbach, L.: Spatial Variations in Pore-Water Biogeochemistry Greatly Exceed Temporal Changes During Baseflow Conditions in a Boreal River Valley Mire Complex, Northwest Russia, Wetlands, 34, 1171–1182,, 2014a.
Avagyan, A., Runkle, B. R., and Kutzbach, L.: Application of high-resolution spectral absorbance measurements to determine dissolved organic carbon concentration in remote areas, J. Hydrol., 517, 435–446, 2014b.
Baird, A. J., Belyea, L. R., and Morris, P. J.: Upscaling of Peatland-Atmosphere Fluxes of Methane: Small-Scale Heterogeneity in Process Rates and the Pitfalls of the "Bucket-and-Slab" Models, in: Carbon Cycling in Northern Peatlands, edited by: Baird, A. J., Belyea, L. R., Comas, X., Reeve, A. S., and Slater, L. D., vol. 184, American Geophysical Union, 37–53, 2009a.
Baird, A. J., Belyea, L. R., and Morris, P. J.: Carbon Cycling in Northern Peatlands, vol. 184 of Geophysical Monograph Series, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC,, 2009b.
Short summary
We developed a process-based model for peatland micro-topography and hydrology, the Hummock-Hollow (HH) model, which explicitly represents small-scale surface elevation changes. By coupling the HH model with a model for soil methane processes, we are able to model the effects of micro-topography on hydrology and methane emissions in a typical boreal peatland. We also identify potential biases that models without a micro-topographic representation can introduce in large-scale models.
Final-revised paper