Articles | Volume 12, issue 4
Research article
17 Feb 2015
Research article |  | 17 Feb 2015

Influence of meteorology and anthropogenic pollution on chemical flux divergence of the NO–NO2–O3 triad above and within a natural grassland canopy

D. Plake, M. Sörgel, P. Stella, A. Held, and I. Trebs

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Short summary
Grasslands cover vast terrestrial areas and the main biomass is concentrated in the lowest part of the canopy. We found that measured transport times in the lowermost canopy layer are fastest during nighttime. During daytime, the reaction of NO with O3, as well as NO2 uptake by plants, was faster than transport. This suggests that grassland canopies of similar structure may exhibit a strong potential to retain soil emitted NO due to oxidation and subsequent uptake of NO2 by plants.
Final-revised paper