Articles | Volume 13, issue 23
Research article
29 Nov 2016
Research article |  | 29 Nov 2016

Interannual variability in Australia's terrestrial carbon cycle constrained by multiple observation types

Cathy M. Trudinger, Vanessa Haverd, Peter R. Briggs, and Josep G. Canadell

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Aalderlink, R. H. and Jovin, J.: Identification of the parameters describing primary production from continuous oxygen signals, Water Sci. Technol., 36, 43–51, 1997.
Abramowitz, G., Leuning, R., Clark, M., and Pitman, A.: Evaluating the performance of land surface models, J. Climate, 21, 5468–5481,, 2008.
Barrett, D. J.: NPP Multi-Biome: VAST Calibration Data, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Centre, Oak Ridge, TN, 2001.
Bastos, A., Running, S. W., Gouveia, C., and Trigo, R. M.: The global NPP dependence on ENSO: La Niña and the extraordinary year of 2011, J. Geophys. Res.-Biogeo., 118, 1247–1255,, 2013.
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Semi-arid ecosystems in Australia are responsible for a significant part of the variability in global atmospheric carbon dioxide. Here we use Australian observations to estimate parameters in a land surface model of carbon and water cycles. We quantify the variability in Australian carbon fluxes between 1982 and 2013, including the large uptake in 2011 associated with exceptionally wet conditions following a prolonged drought. We estimate the effect of parameter uncertainty on these estimates.
Final-revised paper