Articles | Volume 14, issue 7
Research article
05 Apr 2017
Research article |  | 05 Apr 2017

No impact of tropospheric ozone on the gross primary productivity of a Belgian pine forest

Lore T. Verryckt, Maarten Op de Beeck, Johan Neirynck, Bert Gielen, Marilyn Roland, and Ivan A. Janssens

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Cited articles

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Ozone (O3) is an air pollutant known to negatively affect vegetation. Typically, high O3 concentrations reduce growth. This study investigated the effect of O3 uptake on the total amount of carbon assimilated by vegetation for a Scots pine stand in Flanders over the period 1998–2013. Although the critical levels for AOT40 and POD1, two indices currently used to estimate O3 damage, were exceeded every year, no O3 effects on daily and growing season GPP were found.
Final-revised paper