Articles | Volume 14, issue 23
Research article
30 Nov 2017
Research article |  | 30 Nov 2017

Species interactions can shift the response of a maerl bed community to ocean acidification and warming

Erwann Legrand, Pascal Riera, Mathieu Lutier, Jérôme Coudret, Jacques Grall, and Sophie Martin

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Cited articles

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Asnaghi, V., Chiantore, M., Mangialajo, L., Gazeau, F., Francour, P., Alliouane, S., and Gattuso, J. P.: Cascading effects of ocean acidification in a rocky subtidal community, Plos One, 8, e61978,, 2013.
Short summary
In relation to ocean acidification and warming, most studies are focused on specific responses but do not consider species interactions. This study examined experimentally the response of a maerl bed community, composed of calcareous and fleshy algae and grazers, to ocean acidification and warming. Our results indicate that the response of marine communities to climate change will depend on the direct effects on species physiology and the indirect effects due to shifts in species interactions.
Final-revised paper