Articles | Volume 15, issue 1
Research article
02 Jan 2018
Research article |  | 02 Jan 2018

Effect of light on N2 fixation and net nitrogen release of Trichodesmium in a field study

Yangyang Lu, Zuozhu Wen, Dalin Shi, Mingming Chen, Yao Zhang, Sophie Bonnet, Yuhang Li, Jiwei Tian, and Shuh-Ji Kao

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Short summary
We investigated the light response of field Trichodesmium N2 fixation and net dissolved nitrogen release behavior. Our results suggest that N2 fixation was a function of light intensity, and the light requirement of Trichodesmium nitrogen fixation was high relative to its photosynthetic light demand. Meanwhile, light is a crucial parameter driving the physiological state of Trichodesmium, which subsequently determined the C / N metabolism and net dissolved nitrogen release.
Final-revised paper