Articles | Volume 15, issue 1
Research article
11 Jan 2018
Research article |  | 11 Jan 2018

Ocean acidification of a coastal Antarctic marine microbial community reveals a critical threshold for CO2 tolerance in phytoplankton productivity

Stacy Deppeler, Katherina Petrou, Kai G. Schulz, Karen Westwood, Imojen Pearce, John McKinlay, and Andrew Davidson

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Short summary
We combined productivity and photophysiology measurements to investigate the effects of ocean acidification on a natural Antarctic marine microbial community. Our study identifies a threshold for CO2 tolerance in the phytoplankton community between 953 and 1140 μatm of CO2, above which productivity declines. Bacteria were tolerant to CO2 up to 1641 μatm. We identify physiological changes in the phytoplankton at high CO2 that allowed them to acclimate to the high CO2 treatment.
Final-revised paper