Articles | Volume 12, issue 7
Research article
10 Apr 2015
Research article |  | 10 Apr 2015

Reconstruction of secular variation in seawater sulfate concentrations

T. J. Algeo, G. M. Luo, H. Y. Song, T. W. Lyons, and D. E. Canfield

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Cited articles

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Algeo, T. J., Meyers, P. A., Robinson, R. S., Rowe, H., and Jiang, G. Q.: Icehouse-greenhouse variations in marine denitrification, Biogeosciences, 11, 1273–1295,, 2014.
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Short summary
Seawater sulfate concentrations are closely related to the oxygenation history of Earth's surface environment. We develop two approaches for quantification of ancient seawater sulfate concentrations based on the sulfur isotopic composition of pyrite and carbonate-associated sulfur (CAS). Our analysis indicates low seawater sulfate (<5mM) at 635 million years ago, rising in a stepwise manner to near-modern levels (~20-30mM) by about 250 million years ago.
Final-revised paper