Articles | Volume 15, issue 12
Research article
19 Jun 2018
Research article |  | 19 Jun 2018

Upside-down fluxes Down Under: CO2 net sink in winter and net source in summer in a temperate evergreen broadleaf forest

Alexandre A. Renchon, Anne Griebel, Daniel Metzen, Christopher A. Williams, Belinda Medlyn, Remko A. Duursma, Craig V. M. Barton, Chelsea Maier, Matthias M. Boer, Peter Isaac, David Tissue, Victor Resco de Dios, and Elise Pendall

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Short summary
We report the seasonality of net ecosystem–atmosphere CO2 exchange (NEE) in a temperate evergreen broadleaved forest in Sydney, Australia. We investigated how carbon exchange varied with climatic drivers and canopy dynamics (leaf area index, litter fall). We found that our site acted as a net source of carbon in summer and a net sink in winter. Ecosystem respiration (ER) drove NEE seasonality, as the seasonal amplitude of ER was greater than gross primary productivity.
Final-revised paper