Articles | Volume 15, issue 13
Technical note
04 Jul 2018
Technical note |  | 04 Jul 2018

Technical note: In situ measurement of flux and isotopic composition of CO2 released during oxidative weathering of sedimentary rocks

Guillaume Soulet, Robert G. Hilton, Mark H. Garnett, Mathieu Dellinger, Thomas Croissant, Mateja Ogrič, and Sébastien Klotz

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Oxidative weathering of sedimentary rocks can release carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Here, we designed a chamber-based method to measure these CO2 emissions directly for the first time. The chamber is drilled in the rock and allows us to collect the CO2 to fingerprint its source using carbon isotopes. We tested our method in Draix (France). The measured CO2 fluxes were substantial, with ~20% originating from oxidation of the rock organic matter and ~80% from dissolution of carbonate minerals.
Final-revised paper