Articles | Volume 11, issue 19
Research article
07 Oct 2014
Research article |  | 07 Oct 2014

Comparing three vegetation monoterpene emission models to measured gas concentrations with a model of meteorology, air chemistry and chemical transport

S. Smolander, Q. He, D. Mogensen, L. Zhou, J. Bäck, T. Ruuskanen, S. Noe, A. Guenther, H. Aaltonen, M. Kulmala, and M. Boy

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Cited articles

Aaltonen, H., Pumpanen, J., Pihlatie, M., Hakola, H., Hellén, H., Kulmala, L., Vesala, T., and Bäck, J.: Boreal pine forest floor biogenic volatile organic compound emissions peak in early summer and autumn, Agric. Forest Meteorol., 151, 682–691, 2011.
Aaltonen, H., Pumpanen, J., Hakola, H., Vesala, T., Rasmus, S., and Bäck, J.: Snowpack concentrations and estimated fluxes of volatile organic compounds in a boreal forest, Biogeosciences, 9, 2033–2044,, 2012.
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Final-revised paper