Articles | Volume 12, issue 13
Research article
14 Jul 2015
Research article |  | 14 Jul 2015

The role of photo- and thermal degradation for CO2 and CO fluxes in an arid ecosystem

H. van Asperen, T. Warneke, S. Sabbatini, G. Nicolini, D. Papale, and J. Notholt

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Recent studies have suggested the potential importance of abiotic decomposition (photodegradation) in arid ecosystems. This study focuses on the measurement and understanding of abiotic fluxes. Photodegradation fluxes have not been observed. Thermal degradation fluxes were observed in the field (for CO) and in the laboratory (for CO2 and CO). Previous studies have potentially overestimated the role of photodegradation or misinterpreted thermal degradation fluxes as photodegradation fluxes.
Final-revised paper