Articles | Volume 12, issue 18
Research article
17 Sep 2015
Research article |  | 17 Sep 2015

Tree water relations can trigger monoterpene emissions from Scots pine stems during spring recovery

A. Vanhatalo, T. Chan, J. Aalto, J. F. Korhonen, P. Kolari, T. Hölttä, E. Nikinmaa, and J. Bäck

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Manuscript not accepted for further review
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Cited articles

Aalto, J., Kolari, P., Hari, P., Kerminen, V.-M., Schiestl-Aalto, P., Aaltonen, H., Levula, J., Siivola, E., Kulmala, M., and Bäck, J.: New foliage growth is a significant, unaccounted source for volatiles in boreal evergreen forests, Biogeosciences, 11, 1331–1344,, 2014.
Altimir, N., Kolari, P., Tuovinen, J.-P., Vesala, T., Bäck, J., Suni, T., Kulmala, M., and Hari, P.: Foliage surface ozone deposition: a role for surface moisture?, Biogeosciences, 3, 209–228,, 2006.
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Short summary
Boreal coniferous trees emit plenty of volatile monoterpenes into the atmosphere. At our measurement site in Finland, we found a springtime relation between the high monoterpene emission from Scots pine stem and tree water relations. Hence, we suggest that the transient monoterpene burst may be a consequence of the spring recovery of the stem and that the dominant processes and environmental drivers triggering the monoterpene emissions are different between pine stems and foliage.
Final-revised paper