Articles | Volume 15, issue 22
Research article
19 Nov 2018
Research article |  | 19 Nov 2018

An improved parameterization of leaf area index (LAI) seasonality in the Canadian Land Surface Scheme (CLASS) and Canadian Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (CTEM) modelling framework

Ali Asaadi, Vivek K. Arora, Joe R. Melton, and Paul Bartlett

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Cited articles

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Non-structural carbohydrates (NSCs), which play a central role in a plant's life processes and its response to environmental conditions, are typically not included in terrestrial biogeochemistry models used in Earth system models (ESMs). In this study, we include NSC pools in the framework of the land component of the Canadian ESM and show how they help address the long-standing problem of delayed leaf phenology.
Final-revised paper