Articles | Volume 15, issue 10
Research article
22 May 2018
Research article |  | 22 May 2018

Aphotic N2 fixation along an oligotrophic to ultraoligotrophic transect in the western tropical South Pacific Ocean

Mar Benavides, Katyanne M. Shoemaker, Pia H. Moisander, Jutta Niggemann, Thorsten Dittmar, Solange Duhamel, Olivier Grosso, Mireille Pujo-Pay, Sandra Hélias-Nunige, Alain Fumenia, and Sophie Bonnet

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Benavides, M., H. Moisander, P., Berthelot, H., Dittmar, T., Grosso, O., and Bonnet, S.: Mesopelagic N2 fixation related to organic matter composition in the Solomon and Bismarck Seas (Southwest Pacific), PLOS ONE, 10, 1–19,, 2015. 
Bentzon-Tilia, M., Severin, I., Hansen, L. H., and Riemann, L.: Genomics and Ecophysiology of Heterotrophic Nitrogen-Fixing Bacterial Isolated from Estuarine Surface Water, Am. Soc. Microbiol., 6, 1–11,, 2015. 
Berthelot, H., Benavides, M., Moisander, P. H., Grosso, O., and Bonnet, S.: High-nitrogen fixation rates in the particulate and dissolved pools in the Western Tropical Pacific (Solomon and Bismarck Seas), Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 8414–8423,, 2017. 
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We measured N2 fixation rates and identified diazotrophic phylotypes in the mesopelagic layer along a transect spanning from New Caledonia to French Polynesia. N2 fixation rates were low but consistently detected across all depths and stations. A distinct diazotrophic phylotype dominated at 650 dbar, coinciding with the oxygenated Subantarctic Mode Water (SAMW) and suggesting that the distribution of aphotic diazotroph communities is to some extent controlled by water mass structure.
Final-revised paper