Articles | Volume 12, issue 23
Reviews and syntheses
14 Dec 2015
Reviews and syntheses |  | 14 Dec 2015

Reviews and syntheses: Soil N2O and NO emissions from land use and land-use change in the tropics and subtropics: a meta-analysis

J. van Lent, K. Hergoualc'h, and L. V. Verchot

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Cited articles

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We summarized all available data on N-oxides and land use change, which could improve current IPCC tier 1 and 2 approaches for tropical countries. The meta-analysis showed that conversion to (non) fertilized agriculture had the largest effect. Further, we synthesize that the first years after conversion and land management practices are crucial for correctly accounting N2O and NO fluxes. Knowledge gaps remain for degraded forests, peat forests and dominant world crops such as oil palm and soy.
Final-revised paper