Articles | Volume 18, issue 14
© Author(s) 2021. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
© Author(s) 2021. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Nitrogen loss processes in response to upwelling in a Peruvian coastal setting dominated by denitrification – a mesocosm approach
Centre for Coastal Biogeochemistry, School of Environment, Science and Engineering, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW, Australia
Eric P. Achterberg
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany
Javier Arístegui
Instituto de Oceanografía y Cambio Global, IOCAG, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria ULPGC, Las Palmas, Spain
Lennart T. Bach
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Isabel Baños
Instituto de Oceanografía y Cambio Global, IOCAG, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria ULPGC, Las Palmas, Spain
Tim Boxhammer
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany
Dirk Erler
Centre for Coastal Biogeochemistry, School of Environment, Science and Engineering, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW, Australia
Maricarmen Igarza
Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE), Dirección General de Investigaciones en Oceanografía y Cambio Climático, Callao, Peru
Verena Kalter
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany
Department of Ocean Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Logy Bay, Newfoundland, Canada
Andrea Ludwig
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany
Carolin Löscher
Department of Biology, Nordcee, Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS), University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, Odense M, Denmark
Jana Meyer
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany
Judith Meyer
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany
Fabrizio Minutolo
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany
Elisabeth von der Esch
Institute of Hydrochemistry, Chair of Analytical Chemistry and Water Chemistry, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
Bess B. Ward
Department of Geosciences, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA
Ulf Riebesell
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany
Related authors
Julieta Schneider, Ulf Riebesell, Charly André Moras, Laura Marín-Samper, Leila Kittu, Joaquín Ortíz-Cortes, and Kai George Schulz
EGUsphere,,, 2025
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Biogeosciences (BG).
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Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE) is an approach to sequester additional atmospheric CO2 in the ocean and may alleviate ocean acidification. A large-scale mesocosm experiment in Norway tested Ca- and Si-based OAE, increasing total alkalinity (TA) by 0–600 µmol kg-1 and measuring CO2 gas exchange. While TA remained stable, we found mineral-type and/or pCO2/pH effects on coccolithophorid calcification, net community production and zooplankton respiration, providing insights for future OAE trials.
Lennart Thomas Bach, Aaron James Ferderer, Julie LaRoche, and Kai Georg Schulz
Biogeosciences, 21, 3665–3676,,, 2024
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) is an emerging marine CO2 removal method, but its environmental effects are insufficiently understood. The OAE Pelagic Impact Intercomparison Project (OAEPIIP) provides funding for a standardized and globally replicated microcosm experiment to study the effects of OAE on plankton communities. Here, we provide a detailed manual for the OAEPIIP experiment. We expect OAEPIIP to help build scientific consensus on the effects of OAE on plankton.
Charly A. Moras, Tyler Cyronak, Lennart T. Bach, Renaud Joannes-Boyau, and Kai G. Schulz
Biogeosciences, 21, 3463–3475,,, 2024
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We investigate the effects of mineral grain size and seawater salinity on magnesium hydroxide dissolution and calcium carbonate precipitation kinetics for ocean alkalinity enhancement. Salinity did not affect the dissolution, but calcium carbonate formed earlier at lower salinities due to the lower magnesium and dissolved organic carbon concentrations. Smaller grain sizes dissolved faster but calcium carbonate precipitated earlier, suggesting that medium grain sizes are optimal for kinetics.
Aaron Ferderer, Kai G. Schulz, Ulf Riebesell, Kirralee G. Baker, Zanna Chase, and Lennart T. Bach
Biogeosciences, 21, 2777–2794,,, 2024
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) is a promising method of atmospheric carbon removal; however, its ecological impacts remain largely unknown. We assessed the effects of simulated silicate- and calcium-based mineral OAE on diatom silicification. We found that increased silicate concentrations from silicate-based OAE increased diatom silicification. In contrast, the enhancement of alkalinity had no effect on community silicification and minimal effects on the silicification of different genera.
Kai G. Schulz, Lennart T. Bach, and Andrew G. Dickson
State Planet, 2-oae2023, 2,,, 2023
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement is a promising approach for long-term anthropogenic carbon dioxide sequestration, required to avoid catastrophic climate change. In this chapter we describe its impacts on seawater carbonate chemistry speciation and highlight pitfalls that need to be avoided during sampling, storage, measurements, and calculations.
Aaron Ferderer, Zanna Chase, Fraser Kennedy, Kai G. Schulz, and Lennart T. Bach
Biogeosciences, 19, 5375–5399,,, 2022
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement has the capacity to remove vast quantities of carbon from the atmosphere, but its effect on marine ecosystems is largely unknown. We assessed the effect of increased alkalinity on a coastal phytoplankton community when seawater was equilibrated and not equilibrated with atmospheric CO2. We found that the phytoplankton community was moderately affected by increased alkalinity and equilibration with atmospheric CO2 had little influence on this effect.
Charly A. Moras, Lennart T. Bach, Tyler Cyronak, Renaud Joannes-Boyau, and Kai G. Schulz
Biogeosciences, 19, 3537–3557,,, 2022
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This research presents the first laboratory results of quick and hydrated lime dissolution in natural seawater. These two minerals are of great interest for ocean alkalinity enhancement, a strategy aiming to decrease atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Following the dissolution of these minerals, we identified several hurdles and presented ways to avoid them or completely negate them. Finally, we proceeded to various simulations in today’s oceans to implement the strategy at its highest potential.
Shao-Min Chen, Ulf Riebesell, Kai G. Schulz, Elisabeth von der Esch, Eric P. Achterberg, and Lennart T. Bach
Biogeosciences, 19, 295–312,,, 2022
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Oxygen minimum zones in the ocean are characterized by enhanced carbon dioxide (CO2) levels and are being further acidified by increasing anthropogenic atmospheric CO2. Here we report CO2 system measurements in a mesocosm study offshore Peru during a rare coastal El Niño event to investigate how CO2 dynamics may respond to ongoing ocean deoxygenation. Our observations show that nitrogen limitation, productivity, and plankton community shift play an important role in driving the CO2 dynamics.
Michelle N. Simone, Kai G. Schulz, Joanne M. Oakes, and Bradley D. Eyre
Biogeosciences, 18, 1823–1838,,, 2021
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Estuaries are responsible for a large contribution of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to the global C cycle, but it is unknown how this will change in the future. DOC fluxes from unvegetated sediments were investigated ex situ subject to conditions of warming and ocean acidification. The future climate shifted sediment fluxes from a slight DOC source to a significant sink, with global coastal DOC export decreasing by 80 %. This has global implications for C cycling and long-term C storage.
Lennart Thomas Bach, Allanah Joy Paul, Tim Boxhammer, Elisabeth von der Esch, Michelle Graco, Kai Georg Schulz, Eric Achterberg, Paulina Aguayo, Javier Arístegui, Patrizia Ayón, Isabel Baños, Avy Bernales, Anne Sophie Boegeholz, Francisco Chavez, Gabriela Chavez, Shao-Min Chen, Kristin Doering, Alba Filella, Martin Fischer, Patricia Grasse, Mathias Haunost, Jan Hennke, Nauzet Hernández-Hernández, Mark Hopwood, Maricarmen Igarza, Verena Kalter, Leila Kittu, Peter Kohnert, Jesus Ledesma, Christian Lieberum, Silke Lischka, Carolin Löscher, Andrea Ludwig, Ursula Mendoza, Jana Meyer, Judith Meyer, Fabrizio Minutolo, Joaquin Ortiz Cortes, Jonna Piiparinen, Claudia Sforna, Kristian Spilling, Sonia Sanchez, Carsten Spisla, Michael Sswat, Mabel Zavala Moreira, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 17, 4831–4852,,, 2020
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The eastern boundary upwelling system off Peru is among Earth's most productive ocean ecosystems, but the factors that control its functioning are poorly constrained. Here we used mesocosms, moored ~ 6 km offshore Peru, to investigate how processes in plankton communities drive key biogeochemical processes. We show that nutrient and light co-limitation keep productivity and export at a remarkably constant level while stoichiometry changes strongly with shifts in plankton community structure.
Stacy Deppeler, Kai G. Schulz, Alyce Hancock, Penelope Pascoe, John McKinlay, and Andrew Davidson
Biogeosciences, 17, 4153–4171,,, 2020
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Our study showed how ocean acidification can exert both direct and indirect influences on the interactions among trophic levels within the microbial loop. Microbial grazer abundance was reduced at CO2 concentrations at and above 634 µatm, while microbial communities increased in abundance, likely due to a reduction in being grazed. Such changes in predator–prey interactions with ocean acidification could have significant effects on the food web and biogeochemistry in the Southern Ocean.
Yong Zhang, Lennart T. Bach, Kai T. Lohbeck, Kai G. Schulz, Luisa Listmann, Regina Klapper, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 15, 3691–3701,,, 2018
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To compare variations in physiological responses to pCO2 between populations, we measured growth, POC and PIC production rates at a pCO2 range from 120 to 2630 µatm for 17 strains of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi from the Azores, Canary Islands, and Norwegian coast near Bergen. Optimal pCO2 for growth and POC production rates and tolerance to low pH was significantly higher for the Bergen population than the Azores and Canary Islands populations.
Natasha A. Gafar and Kai G. Schulz
Biogeosciences, 15, 3541–3560,,, 2018
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Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica are the most prolific calcifying phytoplankton in today's oceans. We compare their sensitivity to combined anthropogenic stressors of temperature, light and CO2. For the future, we project a niche contraction for G. oceanica. Furthermore, there was good correlation of our new metric, the CaCO3 production potential, with satellite-derived concentrations in the modern ocean, indicating means of assessing overall coccolithophorid success in the future.
Alyce M. Hancock, Andrew T. Davidson, John McKinlay, Andrew McMinn, Kai G. Schulz, and Rick L. van den Enden
Biogeosciences, 15, 2393–2410,,, 2018
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Absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) realized by humans is decreasing the ocean pH (ocean acidification). Single-celled organisms (microbes) support the Antarctic ecosystem, yet little is known about their sensitivity to ocean acidification. This study shows a shift in a natural Antarctic microbial community, with CO2 levels exceeding 634 μatm changing the community composition and favouring small cells. This would have significant flow effects for Antarctic food webs and elemental cycles.
Stacy Deppeler, Katherina Petrou, Kai G. Schulz, Karen Westwood, Imojen Pearce, John McKinlay, and Andrew Davidson
Biogeosciences, 15, 209–231,,, 2018
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We combined productivity and photophysiology measurements to investigate the effects of ocean acidification on a natural Antarctic marine microbial community. Our study identifies a threshold for CO2 tolerance in the phytoplankton community between 953 and 1140 μatm of CO2, above which productivity declines. Bacteria were tolerant to CO2 up to 1641 μatm. We identify physiological changes in the phytoplankton at high CO2 that allowed them to acclimate to the high CO2 treatment.
Coulson A. Lantz, Kai G. Schulz, Laura Stoltenberg, and Bradley D. Eyre
Biogeosciences, 14, 5377–5391,,, 2017
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This study examined the combined effect of seawater warming and organic matter enrichment on coral reef sediment metabolism. Sediments under control conditions were net autotrophic and net calcifying. Warming shifted the sediment to net heterotrophy and net dissolution, while organic matter enrichment increased net production and net calcification. When combined, the effects of each treatment were counterbalanced and sediment metabolism did not significantly differ from control treatments.
Hanieh T. Farid, Kai G. Schulz, and Andrew L. Rose
Biogeosciences Discuss.,,, 2017
Manuscript not accepted for further review
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This study provides new insights into: (a) how organic exudates from a marine cyanobacterium may influence iron speciation and bioavailability in the extracellular milieu; and (b) approaches for evaluating rate constants for Fe(II) oxidation in the presence of unknown organic ligands. Given that microorganisms play critical roles in biochemical cycling of trace metals in water systems, the findings are expected to improve nutrient uptake models and be of interest to broad range of readers.
Mitchell Call, Kai G. Schulz, Matheus C. Carvalho, Isaac R. Santos, and Damien T. Maher
Biogeosciences, 14, 1305–1313,,, 2017
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The conventional method for determining dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and it carbon stable isotope ratio (δ13C–DIC) can be a laborious process which can limit sampling frequency. This paper presents a new approach to autonomously determine DIC & δ13C–DIC at high temporal resolution. The simple method requires no customised design. Instead it uses two commercially available instruments and achieved a sampling resolution of 16 mins with precision and accuracy comparable to conventional methods.
Silke Lischka, Lennart T. Bach, Kai-Georg Schulz, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 14, 447–466,,, 2017
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We conducted a large-scale field experiment using 55 m3 floating containers (mesocosms) to investigate consequences of near-future projected CO2 elevations (ocean acidification) on a Baltic Sea plankton community in Storfjärden (Finland). The focus of our study was on single- and multicelled small-sized organisms dwelling in the water column. Our results suggest that increasing CO2 concentrations may change the species composition and promote specific food web interactions.
Thomas Hornick, Lennart T. Bach, Katharine J. Crawfurd, Kristian Spilling, Eric P. Achterberg, Jason N. Woodhouse, Kai G. Schulz, Corina P. D. Brussaard, Ulf Riebesell, and Hans-Peter Grossart
Biogeosciences, 14, 1–15,,, 2017
Kristian Spilling, Kai G. Schulz, Allanah J. Paul, Tim Boxhammer, Eric P. Achterberg, Thomas Hornick, Silke Lischka, Annegret Stuhr, Rafael Bermúdez, Jan Czerny, Kate Crawfurd, Corina P. D. Brussaard, Hans-Peter Grossart, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 13, 6081–6093,,, 2016
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We performed an experiment in the Baltic Sea in order to investigate the consequences of the increasing CO2 levels on biological processes in the free water mass. There was more accumulation of organic carbon at high CO2 levels. Surprisingly, this was caused by reduced loss processes (respiration and bacterial production) in a high-CO2 environment, and not by increased photosynthetic fixation of CO2. Our carbon budget can be used to better disentangle the effects of ocean acidification.
Francesca Gallo, Kai G. Schulz, Eduardo B. Azevedo, João Madruga, and Joana Barcelos e Ramos
Biogeosciences Discuss.,,, 2016
Revised manuscript not accepted
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Global change driven by humans activities may affect phytoplankton, which are important primary producers. Assessing the combined effect of turbulence and ocean acidification on the species Asterionellopsis glacialis, we found that turbulence magnifies the acidification stress, with negative effects on their growth. In the natural environment, this might have consequences to phytoplankton community composition and production with feedbacks to climate.
Kristian Spilling, Allanah J. Paul, Niklas Virkkala, Tom Hastings, Silke Lischka, Annegret Stuhr, Rafael Bermúdez, Jan Czerny, Tim Boxhammer, Kai G. Schulz, Andrea Ludwig, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 13, 4707–4719,,, 2016
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Anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are reducing the pH in the world's oceans. We determined the plankton community composition and measured primary production, respiration rates and carbon export during an ocean acidification experiment. Our results suggest that increased CO2 reduced respiration and increased net carbon fixation at high CO2. This did not, however, translate into higher carbon export, and consequently did not work as a negative feedback mechanism for decreasing pH.
Juntian Xu, Lennart T. Bach, Kai G. Schulz, Wenyan Zhao, Kunshan Gao, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 13, 4637–4643,,, 2016
Alison L. Webb, Emma Leedham-Elvidge, Claire Hughes, Frances E. Hopkins, Gill Malin, Lennart T. Bach, Kai Schulz, Kate Crawfurd, Corina P. D. Brussaard, Annegret Stuhr, Ulf Riebesell, and Peter S. Liss
Biogeosciences, 13, 4595–4613,,, 2016
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This paper presents concentrations of several trace gases produced by the Baltic Sea phytoplankton community during a mesocosm experiment with five different CO2 levels. Average concentrations of dimethylsulphide were lower in the highest CO2 mesocosms over a 6-week period, corresponding to previous mesocosm experiment results. No dimethylsulfoniopropionate was detected due to a methodological issue. Concentrations of iodine- and bromine-containing halocarbons were unaffected by increasing CO2.
Allanah J. Paul, Eric P. Achterberg, Lennart T. Bach, Tim Boxhammer, Jan Czerny, Mathias Haunost, Kai-Georg Schulz, Annegret Stuhr, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 13, 3901–3913,,, 2016
Anna Jansson, Silke Lischka, Tim Boxhammer, Kai G. Schulz, and Joanna Norkko
Biogeosciences, 13, 3377–3385,,, 2016
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We studied the responses of larvae of Macoma balthica to a range of future CO2 scenarios using large mesocosms encompassing the entire pelagic community. We focused on the growth and settlement process of M. balthica when exposed to future CO2 levels, and found the size and time to settlement to increase along the CO2 gradient, suggesting a developmental delay. The strong impact of increasing CO2 on early-stage bivalves is alarming as these stages are crucial for sustaining viable populations.
Monika Nausch, Lennart Thomas Bach, Jan Czerny, Josephine Goldstein, Hans-Peter Grossart, Dana Hellemann, Thomas Hornick, Eric Pieter Achterberg, Kai-Georg Schulz, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 13, 3035–3050,,, 2016
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Studies investigating the effect of increasing CO2 levels on the phosphorus cycle in natural waters are lacking although phosphorus often controls phytoplankton development in aquatic systems. The aim of our study was to analyse effects of elevated CO2 levels on phosphorus pool sizes and uptake. Therefore, we conducted a CO2-manipulation mesocosm experiment in the Storfjärden (western Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea) in summer 2012. We compared the phosphorus dynamics in different mesocosm treatment
M. N. Müller, J. Barcelos e Ramos, K. G. Schulz, U. Riebesell, J. Kaźmierczak, F. Gallo, L. Mackinder, Y. Li, P. N. Nesterenko, T. W. Trull, and G. M. Hallegraeff
Biogeosciences, 12, 6493–6501,,, 2015
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The White Cliffs of Dover date back to the Cretaceous and are made up of microscopic chalky shells which were produced mainly by marine phytoplankton (coccolithophores). This is iconic proof for their success at times of relatively high seawater calcium concentrations and, as shown here, to be linked to their ability to precipitate calcium as chalk. The invention of calcification can thus be considered an evolutionary milestone allowing coccolithophores to thrive at times when others struggled.
A. J. Paul, L. T. Bach, K.-G. Schulz, T. Boxhammer, J. Czerny, E. P. Achterberg, D. Hellemann, Y. Trense, M. Nausch, M. Sswat, and U. Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 12, 6181–6203,,, 2015
M. N. Müller, M. Lebrato, U. Riebesell, J. Barcelos e Ramos, K. G. Schulz, S. Blanco-Ameijeiras, S. Sett, A. Eisenhauer, and H. M. Stoll
Biogeosciences, 11, 1065–1075,,, 2014
U. Riebesell, J. Czerny, K. von Bröckel, T. Boxhammer, J. Büdenbender, M. Deckelnick, M. Fischer, D. Hoffmann, S. A. Krug, U. Lentz, A. Ludwig, R. Muche, and K. G. Schulz
Biogeosciences, 10, 1835–1847,,, 2013
Jenna Alyson Lee, Joseph H. Vineis, Mathieu A. Poupon, Laure Resplandy, and Bess B. Ward
EGUsphere,,, 2025
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Biogeosciences (BG).
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Concurrent sampling of environmental parameters, productivity rates, photopigments, and DNA were used to analyze a 24–L estuarine diatom bloom microcosm. Biogeochemical data and an ecological model indicated that the bloom was terminated by grazing. Comparisons to previous studies revealed (1) additional community and diversity complexity using 18S amplicon vs. traditional pigment–based analyses, and (2) a potential global productivity–diversity relationship using 18S and carbon transport rates.
Julieta Schneider, Ulf Riebesell, Charly André Moras, Laura Marín-Samper, Leila Kittu, Joaquín Ortíz-Cortes, and Kai George Schulz
EGUsphere,,, 2025
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Biogeosciences (BG).
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Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE) is an approach to sequester additional atmospheric CO2 in the ocean and may alleviate ocean acidification. A large-scale mesocosm experiment in Norway tested Ca- and Si-based OAE, increasing total alkalinity (TA) by 0–600 µmol kg-1 and measuring CO2 gas exchange. While TA remained stable, we found mineral-type and/or pCO2/pH effects on coccolithophorid calcification, net community production and zooplankton respiration, providing insights for future OAE trials.
Luis P. Valencia, Ángel Rodríguez-Santana, Borja Aguiar-Gonzaléz, Javier Arístegui, Xosé A. Álvarez-Salgado, Josep Coca, and Antonio Martínez-Marrero
EGUsphere,,, 2025
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Ocean Science (OS).
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Our study investigates a rotating body of water south of the Canary Islands, known as an intrathermocline eddy. With an isolated core below the surface, it displayed unique energy distribution and structure. It intensified through interactions with productive coastal waters, while its year-long life cycle was regulated by nearby eddy interactions. By transporting coastal waters offshore, it influenced regional circulation, emphasizing the need for more studies on such eddies.
Giulia Faucher, Mathias Haunost, Allanah Joy Paul, Anne Ulrike Christiane Tietz, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 22, 405–415,,, 2025
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) is being evaluated for its capacity to absorb atmospheric CO2 in the ocean and store it long term to mitigate climate change. As researchers plan for field tests to gain insights into OAE, sharing knowledge on its environmental impact on marine ecosystems is urgent. Our study examined NaOH-induced OAE in Emiliania huxleyi, a key coccolithophore species, and found that the added total alkalinity (ΔTA) should stay below 600 µmol kg⁻¹ to avoid negative impacts.
Philipp Suessle, Jan Taucher, Silvan Urs Goldenberg, Moritz Baumann, Kristian Spilling, Andrea Noche-Ferreira, Mari Vanharanta, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 22, 71–86,,, 2025
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) is a negative emission technology which may alter marine communities and the particle export they drive. Here, impacts of carbonate-based OAE on the flux and attenuation of sinking particles in an oligotrophic plankton community are presented. Whilst biological parameters remained unaffected, abiotic carbonate precipitation occurred. Among counteracting OAE’s efficiency, it influenced mineral ballasting and particle sinking velocities, requiring monitoring.
Laura Marín-Samper, Javier Arístegui, Nauzet Hernández-Hernández, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 21, 5707–5724,,, 2024
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This study exposed a natural community to two non-CO2-equilibrated ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) deployments using different minerals. Adding alkalinity in this manner decreases dissolved CO2, essential for photosynthesis. While photosynthesis was not suppressed, bloom formation was mildly delayed, potentially impacting marine food webs. The study emphasizes the need for further research on OAE without prior equilibration and on its ecological implications.
Isabell Schlangen, Elizabeth Leon-Palmero, Annabell Moser, Peihang Xu, Erik Laursen, and Carolin Regina Löscher
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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We explored nitrogen fixation in the Arctic Ocean, revealing its key role in supporting coastal productivity, especially near melting glaciers. By combining molecular data, rate measurements, and environmental analysis, we identified dominant microbes like symbiotic unicellular cyanobacteria and linked high nitrogen fixation to glacial melt. Our findings suggest that climate-driven changes may expand niches for these microbes, reshaping nitrogen cycles and Arctic productivity in the future.
Jana Krause, Dustin Carroll, Juan Höfer, Jeremy Donaire, Eric P. Achterberg, Emilio Alarcón, Te Liu, Lorenz Meire, Kechen Zhu, and Mark J. Hopwood
The Cryosphere, 18, 5735–5752,,, 2024
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Here we analysed calved ice samples from both the Arctic and Antarctic to assess the variability in the composition of iceberg meltwater. Our results suggest that low concentrations of nitrate and phosphate in ice are primarily from the ice matrix, whereas sediment-rich layers impart a low concentration of silica and modest concentrations of iron and manganese. At a global scale, there are very limited differences in the nutrient composition of ice.
Niels Suitner, Giulia Faucher, Carl Lim, Julieta Schneider, Charly A. Moras, Ulf Riebesell, and Jens Hartmann
Biogeosciences, 21, 4587–4604,,, 2024
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Recent studies described the precipitation of carbonates as a result of alkalinity enhancement in seawater, which could adversely affect the carbon sequestration potential of ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) approaches. By conducting experiments in natural seawater, this study observed uniform patterns during the triggered runaway carbonate precipitation, which allow the prediction of safe and efficient local application levels of OAE scenarios.
Silvan Urs Goldenberg, Ulf Riebesell, Daniel Brüggemann, Gregor Börner, Michael Sswat, Arild Folkvord, Maria Couret, Synne Spjelkavik, Nicolás Sánchez, Cornelia Jaspers, and Marta Moyano
Biogeosciences, 21, 4521–4532,,, 2024
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) is being evaluated as a carbon dioxide removal technology for climate change mitigation. With an experiment on species communities, we show that larval and juvenile fish can be resilient to the resulting perturbation of seawater. Fish may hence recruit successfully and continue to support fisheries' production in regions of OAE. Our findings help to establish an environmentally safe operating space for this ocean-based solution.
Sebastian I. Cantarero, Edgart Flores, Harry Allbrook, Paulina Aguayo, Cristian A. Vargas, John E. Tamanaha, J. Bentley C. Scholz, Lennart T. Bach, Carolin R. Löscher, Ulf Riebesell, Balaji Rajagopalan, Nadia Dildar, and Julio Sepúlveda
Biogeosciences, 21, 3927–3958,,, 2024
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Our study explores lipid remodeling in response to environmental stress, specifically how cell membrane chemistry changes. We focus on intact polar lipids in a phytoplankton community exposed to diverse stressors in a mesocosm experiment. The observed remodeling indicates acyl chain recycling for energy storage in intact polar lipids during stress, reallocating resources based on varying growth conditions. This understanding is essential to grasp the system's impact on cellular pools.
Ingeborg Bussmann, Eric P. Achterberg, Holger Brix, Nicolas Brüggemann, Götz Flöser, Claudia Schütze, and Philipp Fischer
Biogeosciences, 21, 3819–3838,,, 2024
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Methane (CH4) is an important greenhouse gas and contributes to climate warming. However, the input of CH4 from coastal areas to the atmosphere is not well defined. Dissolved and atmospheric CH4 was determined at high spatial resolution in or above the North Sea. The atmospheric CH4 concentration was mainly influenced by wind direction. With our detailed study on the spatial distribution of CH4 fluxes we were able to provide a detailed and more realistic estimation of coastal CH4 fluxes.
Lennart Thomas Bach, Aaron James Ferderer, Julie LaRoche, and Kai Georg Schulz
Biogeosciences, 21, 3665–3676,,, 2024
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) is an emerging marine CO2 removal method, but its environmental effects are insufficiently understood. The OAE Pelagic Impact Intercomparison Project (OAEPIIP) provides funding for a standardized and globally replicated microcosm experiment to study the effects of OAE on plankton communities. Here, we provide a detailed manual for the OAEPIIP experiment. We expect OAEPIIP to help build scientific consensus on the effects of OAE on plankton.
Charly A. Moras, Tyler Cyronak, Lennart T. Bach, Renaud Joannes-Boyau, and Kai G. Schulz
Biogeosciences, 21, 3463–3475,,, 2024
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We investigate the effects of mineral grain size and seawater salinity on magnesium hydroxide dissolution and calcium carbonate precipitation kinetics for ocean alkalinity enhancement. Salinity did not affect the dissolution, but calcium carbonate formed earlier at lower salinities due to the lower magnesium and dissolved organic carbon concentrations. Smaller grain sizes dissolved faster but calcium carbonate precipitated earlier, suggesting that medium grain sizes are optimal for kinetics.
Colette L. Kelly, Nicole M. Travis, Pascale Anabelle Baya, Claudia Frey, Xin Sun, Bess B. Ward, and Karen L. Casciotti
Biogeosciences, 21, 3215–3238,,, 2024
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Nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas, accumulates in regions of the ocean that are low in dissolved oxygen. We used a novel combination of chemical tracers to determine how nitrous oxide is produced in one of these regions, the eastern tropical North Pacific Ocean. Our experiments showed that the two most important sources of nitrous oxide under low-oxygen conditions are denitrification, an anaerobic process, and a novel “hybrid” process performed by ammonia-oxidizing archaea.
Weiyi Tang, Jeff Talbott, Timothy Jones, and Bess B. Ward
Biogeosciences, 21, 3239–3250,,, 2024
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Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are known to be hotspots of greenhouse gas emissions. However, the impact of WWTPs on the emission of the greenhouse gas N2O in downstream aquatic environments is less constrained. We found spatially and temporally variable but overall higher N2O concentrations and fluxes in waters downstream of WWTPs, pointing to the need for efficient N2O removal in addition to the treatment of nitrogen in WWTPs.
Jakob Rønning, Zarah J. Kofoed, Mats Jacobsen, and Carolin R. Löscher
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint archived
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In our study, we assessed the impact of olivine on marine primary producers of ocean-based solutions. The experiments revealed no negative effects on carbon fixation rates. Additions of the alkaline minerals did not establish growth inhibition; instead, they showed slight growth increases with species-specific responses. Ni exposure from olivine did not inhibit growth. However, limitations include the absence of responses in natural settings.
Laura Marín-Samper, Javier Arístegui, Nauzet Hernández-Hernández, Joaquín Ortiz, Stephen D. Archer, Andrea Ludwig, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 21, 2859–2876,,, 2024
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Our planet is facing a climate crisis. Scientists are working on innovative solutions that will aid in capturing the hard to abate emissions before it is too late. Exciting research reveals that ocean alkalinity enhancement, a key climate change mitigation strategy, does not harm phytoplankton, the cornerstone of marine ecosystems. Through meticulous study, we may have uncovered a positive relationship: up to a specific limit, enhancing ocean alkalinity boosts photosynthesis by certain species.
Aaron Ferderer, Kai G. Schulz, Ulf Riebesell, Kirralee G. Baker, Zanna Chase, and Lennart T. Bach
Biogeosciences, 21, 2777–2794,,, 2024
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) is a promising method of atmospheric carbon removal; however, its ecological impacts remain largely unknown. We assessed the effects of simulated silicate- and calcium-based mineral OAE on diatom silicification. We found that increased silicate concentrations from silicate-based OAE increased diatom silicification. In contrast, the enhancement of alkalinity had no effect on community silicification and minimal effects on the silicification of different genera.
David González-Santana, María Segovia, Melchor González-Dávila, Librada Ramírez, Aridane G. González, Leonardo J. Pozzo-Pirotta, Veronica Arnone, Victor Vázquez, Ulf Riebesell, and J. Magdalena Santana-Casiano
Biogeosciences, 21, 2705–2715,,, 2024
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In a recent experiment off the coast of Gran Canaria (Spain), scientists explored a method called ocean alkalinization enhancement (OAE), where carbonate minerals were added to seawater. This process changed the levels of certain ions in the water, affecting its pH and buffering capacity. The researchers were particularly interested in how this could impact the levels of essential trace metals in the water.
Jiaying A. Guo, Robert F. Strzepek, Kerrie M. Swadling, Ashley T. Townsend, and Lennart T. Bach
Biogeosciences, 21, 2335–2354,,, 2024
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement aims to increase atmospheric CO2 sequestration by adding alkaline materials to the ocean. We assessed the environmental effects of olivine and steel slag powder on coastal plankton. Overall, slag is more efficient than olivine in releasing total alkalinity and, thus, in its ability to sequester CO2. Slag also had less environmental effect on the enclosed plankton communities when considering its higher CO2 removal potential based on this 3-week experiment.
Librada Ramírez, Leonardo J. Pozzo-Pirotta, Aja Trebec, Víctor Manzanares-Vázquez, José L. Díez, Javier Arístegui, Ulf Riebesell, Stephen D. Archer, and María Segovia
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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We studied the potential effects of increasing ocean alkalinity on a natural plankton community in subtropical waters of the Atlantic near Gran Canaria, Spain. Alkalinity is the capacity of water to resist acidification and plankton are usually microscopic plants (phytoplankton) and animals (zooplankton), often less than 2,5 cm in length. This study suggests that increasing ocean alkalinity did not have a significant negative impact on the studied plankton community.
Allanah Joy Paul, Mathias Haunost, Silvan Urs Goldenberg, Jens Hartmann, Nicolás Sánchez, Julieta Schneider, Niels Suitner, and Ulf Riebesell
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) is being assessed for its potential to absorb atmospheric CO2 and store it for a long time. OAE still needs comprehensive assessment of its safety and effectiveness. We studied an idealised OAE application in a natural low nutrient ecosystem over one month. Our results showed that biogeochemical functioning remained mostly stable, but that the long-term capability for storing carbon may be limited at high alkalinity concentration.
Christian Lønborg, Cátia Carreira, Gwenaël Abril, Susana Agustí, Valentina Amaral, Agneta Andersson, Javier Arístegui, Punyasloke Bhadury, Mariana B. Bif, Alberto V. Borges, Steven Bouillon, Maria Ll. Calleja, Luiz C. Cotovicz Jr., Stefano Cozzi, Maryló Doval, Carlos M. Duarte, Bradley Eyre, Cédric G. Fichot, E. Elena García-Martín, Alexandra Garzon-Garcia, Michele Giani, Rafael Gonçalves-Araujo, Renee Gruber, Dennis A. Hansell, Fuminori Hashihama, Ding He, Johnna M. Holding, William R. Hunter, J. Severino P. Ibánhez, Valeria Ibello, Shan Jiang, Guebuem Kim, Katja Klun, Piotr Kowalczuk, Atsushi Kubo, Choon-Weng Lee, Cláudia B. Lopes, Federica Maggioni, Paolo Magni, Celia Marrase, Patrick Martin, S. Leigh McCallister, Roisin McCallum, Patricia M. Medeiros, Xosé Anxelu G. Morán, Frank E. Muller-Karger, Allison Myers-Pigg, Marit Norli, Joanne M. Oakes, Helena Osterholz, Hyekyung Park, Maria Lund Paulsen, Judith A. Rosentreter, Jeff D. Ross, Digna Rueda-Roa, Chiara Santinelli, Yuan Shen, Eva Teira, Tinkara Tinta, Guenther Uher, Masahide Wakita, Nicholas Ward, Kenta Watanabe, Yu Xin, Youhei Yamashita, Liyang Yang, Jacob Yeo, Huamao Yuan, Qiang Zheng, and Xosé Antón Álvarez-Salgado
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 16, 1107–1119,,, 2024
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In this paper, we present the first edition of a global database compiling previously published and unpublished measurements of dissolved organic matter (DOM) collected in coastal waters (CoastDOM v1). Overall, the CoastDOM v1 dataset will be useful to identify global spatial and temporal patterns and to facilitate reuse in studies aimed at better characterizing local biogeochemical processes and identifying a baseline for modelling future changes in coastal waters.
Xiaoke Xin, Giulia Faucher, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 21, 761–772,,, 2024
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) is a promising approach to remove CO2 by accelerating natural rock weathering. However, some of the alkaline substances contain trace metals which could be toxic to marine life. By exposing three representative phytoplankton species to Ni released from alkaline materials, we observed varying responses of phytoplankton to nickel concentrations, suggesting caution should be taken and toxic thresholds should be avoided in OAE with Ni-rich materials.
Lennart Thomas Bach
Biogeosciences, 21, 261–277,,, 2024
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) is a widely considered marine carbon dioxide removal method. OAE aims to accelerate chemical rock weathering, which is a natural process that slowly sequesters atmospheric carbon dioxide. This study shows that the addition of anthropogenic alkalinity via OAE can reduce the natural release of alkalinity and, therefore, reduce the efficiency of OAE for climate mitigation. However, the additionality problem could be mitigated via a variety of activities.
Matthew D. Eisaman, Sonja Geilert, Phil Renforth, Laura Bastianini, James Campbell, Andrew W. Dale, Spyros Foteinis, Patricia Grasse, Olivia Hawrot, Carolin R. Löscher, Greg H. Rau, and Jakob Rønning
State Planet, 2-oae2023, 3,,, 2023
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Ocean-alkalinity-enhancement technologies refer to various methods and approaches aimed at increasing the alkalinity of seawater. This chapter explores technologies for increasing ocean alkalinity, including electrochemical-based approaches, ocean liming, accelerated weathering of limestone, hydrated carbonate addition, and coastal enhanced weathering, and suggests best practices in research and development.
David T. Ho, Laurent Bopp, Jaime B. Palter, Matthew C. Long, Philip W. Boyd, Griet Neukermans, and Lennart T. Bach
State Planet, 2-oae2023, 12,,, 2023
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Monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) refers to the multistep process to quantify the amount of carbon dioxide removed by a carbon dioxide removal (CDR) activity. Here, we make recommendations for MRV for Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE) research, arguing that it has an obligation for comprehensiveness, reproducibility, and transparency, as it may become the foundation for assessing large-scale deployment. Both observations and numerical simulations will be needed for MRV.
Tyler Cyronak, Rebecca Albright, and Lennart T. Bach
State Planet, 2-oae2023, 7,,, 2023
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) is a marine carbon dioxide removal (CDR) approach. Publicly funded research projects have begun, and philanthropic funding and start-ups are collectively pushing the field forward. This rapid progress in research activities has created an urgent need to learn if and how OAE can work at scale. This chapter of the Guide to Best Practices in Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement Research focuses on field experiments.
Ulf Riebesell, Daniela Basso, Sonja Geilert, Andrew W. Dale, and Matthias Kreuzburg
State Planet, 2-oae2023, 6,,, 2023
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Mesocosm experiments represent a highly valuable tool in determining the safe operating space of ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) applications. By combining realism and biological complexity with controllability and replication, they provide an ideal OAE test bed and a critical stepping stone towards field applications. Mesocosm approaches can also be helpful in testing the efficacy, efficiency and permanence of OAE applications.
Kai G. Schulz, Lennart T. Bach, and Andrew G. Dickson
State Planet, 2-oae2023, 2,,, 2023
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement is a promising approach for long-term anthropogenic carbon dioxide sequestration, required to avoid catastrophic climate change. In this chapter we describe its impacts on seawater carbonate chemistry speciation and highlight pitfalls that need to be avoided during sampling, storage, measurements, and calculations.
Andreas Oschlies, Lennart T. Bach, Rosalind E. M. Rickaby, Terre Satterfield, Romany Webb, and Jean-Pierre Gattuso
State Planet, 2-oae2023, 1,,, 2023
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Reaching promised climate targets will require the deployment of carbon dioxide removal (CDR). Marine CDR options receive more and more interest. Based on idealized theoretical studies, ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) appears as a promising marine CDR method. We provide an overview on the current situation of developing OAE as a marine CDR method and describe the history that has led to the creation of the OAE research best practice guide.
Weiyi Tang, Bess B. Ward, Michael Beman, Laura Bristow, Darren Clark, Sarah Fawcett, Claudia Frey, François Fripiat, Gerhard J. Herndl, Mhlangabezi Mdutyana, Fabien Paulot, Xuefeng Peng, Alyson E. Santoro, Takuhei Shiozaki, Eva Sintes, Charles Stock, Xin Sun, Xianhui S. Wan, Min N. Xu, and Yao Zhang
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15, 5039–5077,,, 2023
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Nitrification and nitrifiers play an important role in marine nitrogen and carbon cycles by converting ammonium to nitrite and nitrate. Nitrification could affect microbial community structure, marine productivity, and the production of nitrous oxide – a powerful greenhouse gas. We introduce the newly constructed database of nitrification and nitrifiers in the marine water column and guide future research efforts in field observations and model development of nitrification.
Zhibo Shao, Yangchun Xu, Hua Wang, Weicheng Luo, Lice Wang, Yuhong Huang, Nona Sheila R. Agawin, Ayaz Ahmed, Mar Benavides, Mikkel Bentzon-Tilia, Ilana Berman-Frank, Hugo Berthelot, Isabelle C. Biegala, Mariana B. Bif, Antonio Bode, Sophie Bonnet, Deborah A. Bronk, Mark V. Brown, Lisa Campbell, Douglas G. Capone, Edward J. Carpenter, Nicolas Cassar, Bonnie X. Chang, Dreux Chappell, Yuh-ling Lee Chen, Matthew J. Church, Francisco M. Cornejo-Castillo, Amália Maria Sacilotto Detoni, Scott C. Doney, Cecile Dupouy, Marta Estrada, Camila Fernandez, Bieito Fernández-Castro, Debany Fonseca-Batista, Rachel A. Foster, Ken Furuya, Nicole Garcia, Kanji Goto, Jesús Gago, Mary R. Gradoville, M. Robert Hamersley, Britt A. Henke, Cora Hörstmann, Amal Jayakumar, Zhibing Jiang, Shuh-Ji Kao, David M. Karl, Leila R. Kittu, Angela N. Knapp, Sanjeev Kumar, Julie LaRoche, Hongbin Liu, Jiaxing Liu, Caroline Lory, Carolin R. Löscher, Emilio Marañón, Lauren F. Messer, Matthew M. Mills, Wiebke Mohr, Pia H. Moisander, Claire Mahaffey, Robert Moore, Beatriz Mouriño-Carballido, Margaret R. Mulholland, Shin-ichiro Nakaoka, Joseph A. Needoba, Eric J. Raes, Eyal Rahav, Teodoro Ramírez-Cárdenas, Christian Furbo Reeder, Lasse Riemann, Virginie Riou, Julie C. Robidart, Vedula V. S. S. Sarma, Takuya Sato, Himanshu Saxena, Corday Selden, Justin R. Seymour, Dalin Shi, Takuhei Shiozaki, Arvind Singh, Rachel E. Sipler, Jun Sun, Koji Suzuki, Kazutaka Takahashi, Yehui Tan, Weiyi Tang, Jean-Éric Tremblay, Kendra Turk-Kubo, Zuozhu Wen, Angelicque E. White, Samuel T. Wilson, Takashi Yoshida, Jonathan P. Zehr, Run Zhang, Yao Zhang, and Ya-Wei Luo
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15, 3673–3709,,, 2023
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N2 fixation by marine diazotrophs is an important bioavailable N source to the global ocean. This updated global oceanic diazotroph database increases the number of in situ measurements of N2 fixation rates, diazotrophic cell abundances, and nifH gene copy abundances by 184 %, 86 %, and 809 %, respectively. Using the updated database, the global marine N2 fixation rate is estimated at 223 ± 30 Tg N yr−1, which triplicates that using the original database.
Moritz Baumann, Allanah Joy Paul, Jan Taucher, Lennart Thomas Bach, Silvan Goldenberg, Paul Stange, Fabrizio Minutolo, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 20, 2595–2612,,, 2023
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The sinking velocity of marine particles affects how much atmospheric CO2 is stored inside our oceans. We measured particle sinking velocities in the Peruvian upwelling system and assessed their physical and biochemical drivers. We found that sinking velocity was mainly influenced by particle size and porosity, while ballasting minerals played only a minor role. Our findings help us to better understand the particle sinking dynamics in this highly productive marine system.
John C. Tracey, Andrew R. Babbin, Elizabeth Wallace, Xin Sun, Katherine L. DuRussel, Claudia Frey, Donald E. Martocello III, Tyler Tamasi, Sergey Oleynik, and Bess B. Ward
Biogeosciences, 20, 2499–2523,,, 2023
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Nitrogen (N) is essential for life; thus, its availability plays a key role in determining marine productivity. Using incubations of seawater spiked with a rare form of N measurable on a mass spectrometer, we quantified microbial pathways that determine marine N availability. The results show that pathways that recycle N have higher rates than those that result in its loss from biomass and present new evidence for anaerobic nitrite oxidation, a process long thought to be strictly aerobic.
Kristian Spilling, Jonna Piiparinen, Eric P. Achterberg, Javier Arístegui, Lennart T. Bach, Maria T. Camarena-Gómez, Elisabeth von der Esch, Martin A. Fischer, Markel Gómez-Letona, Nauzet Hernández-Hernández, Judith Meyer, Ruth A. Schmitz, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 20, 1605–1619,,, 2023
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We carried out an enclosure experiment using surface water off Peru with different additions of oxygen minimum zone water. In this paper, we report on enzyme activity and provide data on the decomposition of organic matter. We found very high activity with respect to an enzyme breaking down protein, suggesting that this is important for nutrient recycling both at present and in the future ocean.
Markus A. Min, David M. Needham, Sebastian Sudek, Nathan Kobun Truelove, Kathleen J. Pitz, Gabriela M. Chavez, Camille Poirier, Bente Gardeler, Elisabeth von der Esch, Andrea Ludwig, Ulf Riebesell, Alexandra Z. Worden, and Francisco P. Chavez
Biogeosciences, 20, 1277–1298,,, 2023
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Emerging molecular methods provide new ways of understanding how marine communities respond to changes in ocean conditions. Here, environmental DNA was used to track the temporal evolution of biological communities in the Peruvian coastal upwelling system and in an adjacent enclosure where upwelling was simulated. We found that the two communities quickly diverged, with the open ocean being one found during upwelling and the enclosure evolving to one found under stratified conditions.
Jens Hartmann, Niels Suitner, Carl Lim, Julieta Schneider, Laura Marín-Samper, Javier Arístegui, Phil Renforth, Jan Taucher, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 20, 781–802,,, 2023
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CO2 can be stored in the ocean via increasing alkalinity of ocean water. Alkalinity can be created via dissolution of alkaline materials, like limestone or soda. Presented research studies boundaries for increasing alkalinity in seawater. The best way to increase alkalinity was found using an equilibrated solution, for example as produced from reactors. Adding particles for dissolution into seawater on the other hand produces the risk of losing alkalinity and degassing of CO2 to the atmosphere.
Allanah Joy Paul, Lennart Thomas Bach, Javier Arístegui, Elisabeth von der Esch, Nauzet Hernández-Hernández, Jonna Piiparinen, Laura Ramajo, Kristian Spilling, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 19, 5911–5926,,, 2022
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We investigated how different deep water chemistry and biology modulate the response of surface phytoplankton communities to upwelling in the Peruvian coastal zone. Our results show that the most influential drivers were the ratio of inorganic nutrients (N : P) and the microbial community present in upwelling source water. These led to unexpected and variable development in the phytoplankton assemblage that could not be predicted by the amount of inorganic nutrients alone.
Aaron Ferderer, Zanna Chase, Fraser Kennedy, Kai G. Schulz, and Lennart T. Bach
Biogeosciences, 19, 5375–5399,,, 2022
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement has the capacity to remove vast quantities of carbon from the atmosphere, but its effect on marine ecosystems is largely unknown. We assessed the effect of increased alkalinity on a coastal phytoplankton community when seawater was equilibrated and not equilibrated with atmospheric CO2. We found that the phytoplankton community was moderately affected by increased alkalinity and equilibration with atmospheric CO2 had little influence on this effect.
Jiaying Abby Guo, Robert Strzepek, Anusuya Willis, Aaron Ferderer, and Lennart Thomas Bach
Biogeosciences, 19, 3683–3697,,, 2022
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement is a CO2 removal method with significant potential, but it can lead to a perturbation of the ocean with trace metals such as nickel. This study tested the effect of increasing nickel concentrations on phytoplankton growth and photosynthesis. We found that the response to nickel varied across the 11 phytoplankton species tested here, but the majority were rather insensitive. We note, however, that responses may be different under other experimental conditions.
Charly A. Moras, Lennart T. Bach, Tyler Cyronak, Renaud Joannes-Boyau, and Kai G. Schulz
Biogeosciences, 19, 3537–3557,,, 2022
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This research presents the first laboratory results of quick and hydrated lime dissolution in natural seawater. These two minerals are of great interest for ocean alkalinity enhancement, a strategy aiming to decrease atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Following the dissolution of these minerals, we identified several hurdles and presented ways to avoid them or completely negate them. Finally, we proceeded to various simulations in today’s oceans to implement the strategy at its highest potential.
Mhlangabezi Mdutyana, Tanya Marshall, Xin Sun, Jessica M. Burger, Sandy J. Thomalla, Bess B. Ward, and Sarah E. Fawcett
Biogeosciences, 19, 3425–3444,,, 2022
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Nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in the winter Southern Ocean show a high affinity for nitrite but require a minimum (i.e., "threshold") concentration before they increase their rates of nitrite oxidation significantly. The classic Michaelis–Menten model thus cannot be used to derive the kinetic parameters, so a modified equation was employed that also yields the threshold nitrite concentration. Dissolved iron availability may play an important role in limiting nitrite oxidation.
Christian Furbo Reeder, Ina Stoltenberg, Jamileh Javidpour, and Carolin Regina Löscher
Ocean Sci., 18, 401–417,,, 2022
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The Baltic Sea is predicted to freshen in the future. To explore the effect of decreasing salinity on N2 fixers, we followed the natural salinity gradient in the Baltic Sea from the Kiel Fjord to the Gotland Basin and identified an N2 fixer community dominated by Nodularia and UCYN-A. A salinity threshold was identified at a salinity of 10, with Nodularia dominating at low and UCYN-A dominating at higher salinity, suggesting a future expansion of Nodularia N2 fixers and a retraction of UCYN-A.
Shao-Min Chen, Ulf Riebesell, Kai G. Schulz, Elisabeth von der Esch, Eric P. Achterberg, and Lennart T. Bach
Biogeosciences, 19, 295–312,,, 2022
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Oxygen minimum zones in the ocean are characterized by enhanced carbon dioxide (CO2) levels and are being further acidified by increasing anthropogenic atmospheric CO2. Here we report CO2 system measurements in a mesocosm study offshore Peru during a rare coastal El Niño event to investigate how CO2 dynamics may respond to ongoing ocean deoxygenation. Our observations show that nitrogen limitation, productivity, and plankton community shift play an important role in driving the CO2 dynamics.
Carolin R. Löscher
Biogeosciences, 18, 4953–4963,,, 2021
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The Bay of Bengal (BoB) is classically seen as an ocean region with low primary production, which has been predicted to decrease even further. Here, the importance of such a trend is used to explore what could happen to the BoB's low-oxygen core waters if primary production decreases. Lower biological production leads to less oxygen loss in deeper waters by respiration; thus it could be that oxygen will not further decrease and the BoB will not become anoxic, different to other low-oxygen areas.
Neil J. Wyatt, Angela Milne, Eric P. Achterberg, Thomas J. Browning, Heather A. Bouman, E. Malcolm S. Woodward, and Maeve C. Lohan
Biogeosciences, 18, 4265–4280,,, 2021
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Using data collected during two expeditions to the South Atlantic Ocean, we investigated how the interaction between external sources and biological activity influenced the availability of the trace metals zinc and cobalt. This is important as both metals play essential roles in the metabolism and growth of phytoplankton and thus influence primary productivity of the oceans. We found seasonal changes in both processes that helped explain upper-ocean trace metal cycling.
Nadia Burgoa, Francisco Machín, Ángel Rodríguez-Santana, Ángeles Marrero-Díaz, Xosé Antón Álvarez-Salgado, Bieito Fernández-Castro, María Dolores Gelado-Caballero, and Javier Arístegui
Ocean Sci., 17, 769–788,,, 2021
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The circulation patterns in the confluence of the North Atlantic subtropical and tropical gyres delimited by the Cape Verde Front were examined during a field cruise in summer 2017. The collected hydrographic data, O2 and inorganic nutrients along the perimeter of a closed box embracing the Cape Verde Frontal Zone allowed for the independent estimation of the transport of these properties.
Siqi Wu, Moge Du, Xianhui Sean Wan, Corday Selden, Mar Benavides, Sophie Bonnet, Robert Hamersley, Carolin R. Löscher, Margaret R. Mulholland, Xiuli Yan, and Shuh-Ji Kao
Biogeosciences Discuss.,,, 2021
Preprint withdrawn
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Nitrogen (N2) fixation is one of the most important nutrient sources to the ocean. Here, we report N2 fixation in the deep, dark ocean in the South China Sea via a highly sensitive new method and elaborate controls, showing the overlooked importance of N2 fixation in the deep ocean. By global data compilation, we also provide an easy measured basic parameter to estimate deep N2 fixation. Our study may help to expand the area limit of N2 fixation studies and better constrain global N2 fixation.
Maximiliano J. Vergara-Jara, Mark J. Hopwood, Thomas J. Browning, Insa Rapp, Rodrigo Torres, Brian Reid, Eric P. Achterberg, and José Luis Iriarte
Ocean Sci., 17, 561–578,,, 2021
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Ash from the Calbuco 2015 eruption spread across northern Patagonia, the SE Pacific and the SW Atlantic. In the Pacific, a phytoplankton bloom corresponded closely to the volcanic ash plume, suggesting that ash fertilized this region of the ocean. No such fertilization was found in the Atlantic where nutrients plausibly supplied by ash were likely already in excess of phytoplankton demand. In Patagonia, the May bloom was more intense than usual, but the mechanistic link to ash was less clear.
Gerd Krahmann, Damian L. Arévalo-Martínez, Andrew W. Dale, Marcus Dengler, Anja Engel, Nicolaas Glock, Patricia Grasse, Johannes Hahn, Helena Hauss, Mark Hopwood, Rainer Kiko, Alexandra Loginova, Carolin R. Löscher, Marie Maßmig, Alexandra-Sophie Roy, Renato Salvatteci, Stefan Sommer, Toste Tanhua, and Hela Mehrtens
Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss.,,, 2021
Preprint withdrawn
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The project "Climate-Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Ocean" (SFB 754) was a multidisciplinary research project active from 2008 to 2019 aimed at a better understanding of the coupling between the tropical climate and ocean circulation and the ocean's oxygen and nutrient balance. On 34 research cruises, mainly in the Southeast Tropical Pacific and the Northeast Tropical Atlantic, 1071 physical, chemical and biological data sets were collected.
Michelle N. Simone, Kai G. Schulz, Joanne M. Oakes, and Bradley D. Eyre
Biogeosciences, 18, 1823–1838,,, 2021
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Estuaries are responsible for a large contribution of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to the global C cycle, but it is unknown how this will change in the future. DOC fluxes from unvegetated sediments were investigated ex situ subject to conditions of warming and ocean acidification. The future climate shifted sediment fluxes from a slight DOC source to a significant sink, with global coastal DOC export decreasing by 80 %. This has global implications for C cycling and long-term C storage.
Yu-Te Hsieh, Walter Geibert, E. Malcolm S. Woodward, Neil J. Wyatt, Maeve C. Lohan, Eric P. Achterberg, and Gideon M. Henderson
Biogeosciences, 18, 1645–1671,,, 2021
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The South Atlantic near 40° S is one of the high-productivity and most dynamic nutrient regions in the oceans, but the sources and fluxes of trace elements (TEs) to this region remain unclear. This study investigates seawater Ra-228 and provides important constraints on ocean mixing and dissolved TE fluxes to this region. Vertical mixing is a more important source than aeolian or shelf inputs in this region, but particulate or winter deep-mixing inputs may be required to balance the TE budgets.
Amal Jayakumar and Bess B. Ward
Biogeosciences, 17, 5953–5966,,, 2020
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Diversity and community composition of nitrogen-fixing microbes in the three main oxygen minimum zones of the world ocean were investigated using nifH clone libraries. Representatives of three main clusters of nifH genes were detected. Sequences were most diverse in the surface waters. The most abundant OTUs were affiliated with Alpha- and Gammaproteobacteria. The sequences were biogeographically distinct and the dominance of a few OTUs was commonly observed in OMZs in this (and other) studies.
Samuel T. Wilson, Alia N. Al-Haj, Annie Bourbonnais, Claudia Frey, Robinson W. Fulweiler, John D. Kessler, Hannah K. Marchant, Jana Milucka, Nicholas E. Ray, Parvadha Suntharalingam, Brett F. Thornton, Robert C. Upstill-Goddard, Thomas S. Weber, Damian L. Arévalo-Martínez, Hermann W. Bange, Heather M. Benway, Daniele Bianchi, Alberto V. Borges, Bonnie X. Chang, Patrick M. Crill, Daniela A. del Valle, Laura Farías, Samantha B. Joye, Annette Kock, Jabrane Labidi, Cara C. Manning, John W. Pohlman, Gregor Rehder, Katy J. Sparrow, Philippe D. Tortell, Tina Treude, David L. Valentine, Bess B. Ward, Simon Yang, and Leonid N. Yurganov
Biogeosciences, 17, 5809–5828,,, 2020
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The oceans are a net source of the major greenhouse gases; however there has been little coordination of oceanic methane and nitrous oxide measurements. The scientific community has recently embarked on a series of capacity-building exercises to improve the interoperability of dissolved methane and nitrous oxide measurements. This paper derives from a workshop which discussed the challenges and opportunities for oceanic methane and nitrous oxide research in the near future.
Jan Lüdke, Marcus Dengler, Stefan Sommer, David Clemens, Sören Thomsen, Gerd Krahmann, Andrew W. Dale, Eric P. Achterberg, and Martin Visbeck
Ocean Sci., 16, 1347–1366,,, 2020
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We analyse the intraseasonal variability of the alongshore circulation off Peru in early 2017, this circulation is very important for the supply of nutrients to the upwelling regime. The causes of this variability and its impact on the biogeochemistry are investigated. The poleward flow is strengthened during the observed time period, likely by a downwelling coastal trapped wave. The stronger current causes an increase in nitrate and reduces the deficit of fixed nitrogen relative to phosphorus.
Ruifang C. Xie, Frédéric A. C. Le Moigne, Insa Rapp, Jan Lüdke, Beat Gasser, Marcus Dengler, Volker Liebetrau, and Eric P. Achterberg
Biogeosciences, 17, 4919–4936,,, 2020
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Thorium-234 (234Th) is widely used to study carbon fluxes from the surface ocean to depth. But few studies stress the relevance of oceanic advection and diffusion on the downward 234Th fluxes in nearshore environments. Our study in offshore Peru showed strong temporal variations in both the importance of physical processes on 234Th flux estimates and the oceanic residence time of 234Th, whereas salinity-derived seawater 238U activities accounted for up to 40 % errors in 234Th flux estimates.
Lennart Thomas Bach, Allanah Joy Paul, Tim Boxhammer, Elisabeth von der Esch, Michelle Graco, Kai Georg Schulz, Eric Achterberg, Paulina Aguayo, Javier Arístegui, Patrizia Ayón, Isabel Baños, Avy Bernales, Anne Sophie Boegeholz, Francisco Chavez, Gabriela Chavez, Shao-Min Chen, Kristin Doering, Alba Filella, Martin Fischer, Patricia Grasse, Mathias Haunost, Jan Hennke, Nauzet Hernández-Hernández, Mark Hopwood, Maricarmen Igarza, Verena Kalter, Leila Kittu, Peter Kohnert, Jesus Ledesma, Christian Lieberum, Silke Lischka, Carolin Löscher, Andrea Ludwig, Ursula Mendoza, Jana Meyer, Judith Meyer, Fabrizio Minutolo, Joaquin Ortiz Cortes, Jonna Piiparinen, Claudia Sforna, Kristian Spilling, Sonia Sanchez, Carsten Spisla, Michael Sswat, Mabel Zavala Moreira, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 17, 4831–4852,,, 2020
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The eastern boundary upwelling system off Peru is among Earth's most productive ocean ecosystems, but the factors that control its functioning are poorly constrained. Here we used mesocosms, moored ~ 6 km offshore Peru, to investigate how processes in plankton communities drive key biogeochemical processes. We show that nutrient and light co-limitation keep productivity and export at a remarkably constant level while stoichiometry changes strongly with shifts in plankton community structure.
Stacy Deppeler, Kai G. Schulz, Alyce Hancock, Penelope Pascoe, John McKinlay, and Andrew Davidson
Biogeosciences, 17, 4153–4171,,, 2020
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Our study showed how ocean acidification can exert both direct and indirect influences on the interactions among trophic levels within the microbial loop. Microbial grazer abundance was reduced at CO2 concentrations at and above 634 µatm, while microbial communities increased in abundance, likely due to a reduction in being grazed. Such changes in predator–prey interactions with ocean acidification could have significant effects on the food web and biogeochemistry in the Southern Ocean.
Anna Plass, Christian Schlosser, Stefan Sommer, Andrew W. Dale, Eric P. Achterberg, and Florian Scholz
Biogeosciences, 17, 3685–3704,,, 2020
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We compare the cycling of Fe and Cd in sulfidic sediments of the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone. Due to the contrasting solubility of their sulfide minerals, the sedimentary Fe release and Cd burial fluxes covary with spatial and temporal distributions of H2S. Depending on the solubility of their sulfide minerals, sedimentary trace metal fluxes will respond differently to ocean deoxygenation/expansion of H2S concentrations, which may change trace metal stoichiometry of upwelling water masses.
Giulia Faucher, Ulf Riebesell, and Lennart Thomas Bach
Clim. Past, 16, 1007–1025,,, 2020
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We designed five experiments choosing different coccolithophore species that have been evolutionarily distinct for millions of years. If all species showed the same morphological response to an environmental driver, this could be indicative of a response pattern that is conserved over geological timescales. We found an increase in the percentage of malformed coccoliths under altered CO2, providing evidence that this response could be used as paleo-proxy for episodes of acute CO2 perturbations.
Mark J. Hopwood, Dustin Carroll, Thorben Dunse, Andy Hodson, Johnna M. Holding, José L. Iriarte, Sofia Ribeiro, Eric P. Achterberg, Carolina Cantoni, Daniel F. Carlson, Melissa Chierici, Jennifer S. Clarke, Stefano Cozzi, Agneta Fransson, Thomas Juul-Pedersen, Mie H. S. Winding, and Lorenz Meire
The Cryosphere, 14, 1347–1383,,, 2020
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Here we compare and contrast results from five well-studied Arctic field sites in order to understand how glaciers affect marine biogeochemistry and marine primary production. The key questions are listed as follows. Where and when does glacial freshwater discharge promote or reduce marine primary production? How does spatio-temporal variability in glacial discharge affect marine primary production? And how far-reaching are the effects of glacial discharge on marine biogeochemistry?
Nadia Burgoa, Francisco Machín, Ángeles Marrero-Díaz, Ángel Rodríguez-Santana, Antonio Martínez-Marrero, Javier Arístegui, and Carlos Manuel Duarte
Ocean Sci., 16, 483–511,,, 2020
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The main objective of the study is to analyze the export of carbon to the open ocean from the rich waters of the upwelling system of North Africa. South of the Canary Islands, permanent upwelling interacts with other physical processes impacting the main biogeochemical processes. Taking advantage of data from two cruises combined with the outputs of models, important conclusions from the differences observed between seasons are obtained, largely related to changes in the CVFZ in this area.
Claudia Frey, Hermann W. Bange, Eric P. Achterberg, Amal Jayakumar, Carolin R. Löscher, Damian L. Arévalo-Martínez, Elizabeth León-Palmero, Mingshuang Sun, Xin Sun, Ruifang C. Xie, Sergey Oleynik, and Bess B. Ward
Biogeosciences, 17, 2263–2287,,, 2020
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The production of N2O via nitrification and denitrification associated with low-O2 waters is a major source of oceanic N2O. We investigated the regulation and dynamics of these processes with respect to O2 and organic matter inputs. The transcription of the key nitrification gene amoA rapidly responded to changes in O2 and strongly correlated with N2O production rates. N2O production by denitrification was clearly stimulated by organic carbon, implying that its supply controls N2O production.
Mark J. Hopwood, Nicolas Sanchez, Despo Polyviou, Øystein Leiknes, Julián Alberto Gallego-Urrea, Eric P. Achterberg, Murat V. Ardelan, Javier Aristegui, Lennart Bach, Sengul Besiktepe, Yohann Heriot, Ioanna Kalantzi, Tuba Terbıyık Kurt, Ioulia Santi, Tatiana M. Tsagaraki, and David Turner
Biogeosciences, 17, 1309–1326,,, 2020
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Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, is formed naturally in sunlight-exposed water by photochemistry. At high concentrations it is undesirable to biological cells because it is a stressor. Here, across a range of incubation experiments in diverse marine environments (Gran Canaria, the Mediterranean, Patagonia and Svalbard), we determine that two factors consistently affect the H2O2 concentrations irrespective of geographical location: bacteria abundance and experiment design.
Mark J. Hopwood, Carolina Santana-González, Julian Gallego-Urrea, Nicolas Sanchez, Eric P. Achterberg, Murat V. Ardelan, Martha Gledhill, Melchor González-Dávila, Linn Hoffmann, Øystein Leiknes, Juana Magdalena Santana-Casiano, Tatiana M. Tsagaraki, and David Turner
Biogeosciences, 17, 1327–1342,,, 2020
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Fe is an essential micronutrient. Fe(III)-organic species are thought to account for > 99 % of dissolved Fe in seawater. Here we quantified Fe(II) during experiments in Svalbard, Gran Canaria, and Patagonia. Fe(II) was always a measurable fraction of dissolved Fe up to 65 %. Furthermore, when Fe(II) was allowed to decay in the dark, it remained present longer than predicted by kinetic equations, suggesting that Fe(II) is a more important fraction of dissolved Fe in seawater than widely recognized.
Carolin R. Löscher, Wiebke Mohr, Hermann W. Bange, and Donald E. Canfield
Biogeosciences, 17, 851–864,,, 2020
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Oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) are ocean areas severely depleted in oxygen as a result of physical, chemical, and biological processes. Biologically, organic material is produced in the sea surface and exported to deeper waters, where it respires. In the Bay of Bengal (BoB), an OMZ is present, but there are traces of oxygen left. Our study now suggests that this is because one key process, nitrogen fixation, is absent in the BoB, thus preventing primary production and consecutive respiration.
Insa Rapp, Christian Schlosser, Jan-Lukas Menzel Barraqueta, Bernhard Wenzel, Jan Lüdke, Jan Scholten, Beat Gasser, Patrick Reichert, Martha Gledhill, Marcus Dengler, and Eric P. Achterberg
Biogeosciences, 16, 4157–4182,,, 2019
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The availability of iron (Fe) affects phytoplankton growth in large parts of the ocean. Shelf sediments, particularly in oxygen minimum zones, are a major source of Fe and other essential micronutrients, such as cobalt (Co) and manganese (Mn). We observed enhanced concentrations of Fe, Co, and Mn corresponding with low oxygen concentrations along the Mauritanian shelf, indicating that the projected future decrease in oxygen concentrations may result in increases in Fe, Mn, and Co concentrations.
Lennart Thomas Bach and Jan Taucher
Ocean Sci., 15, 1159–1175,,, 2019
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Diatoms are a group of phytoplankton species responsible for ~ 25 % of primary production on Earth. Ocean acidification (OA) could influence diatoms but the key question is if they become more or less important within marine food webs. We synthesize OA experiments with natural communities and found that diatoms are more likely to be positively than negatively affected by high CO2 and larger species may profit in particular. This has important implications for ecosystem services diatoms provide.
Jan-Lukas Menzel Barraqueta, Jessica K. Klar, Martha Gledhill, Christian Schlosser, Rachel Shelley, Hélène F. Planquette, Bernhard Wenzel, Geraldine Sarthou, and Eric P. Achterberg
Biogeosciences, 16, 1525–1542,,, 2019
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We used surface water dissolved aluminium concentrations collected in four different GEOTRACES cruises to determine atmospheric deposition fluxes to the ocean. We calculate atmospheric deposition fluxes for largely under-sampled regions of the Atlantic Ocean and thus provide new constraints for models of atmospheric deposition. The use of the MADCOW model is of major importance as dissolved aluminium is analysed within the GEOTRACES project at high spatial resolution.
Géraldine Sarthou, Pascale Lherminier, Eric P. Achterberg, Fernando Alonso-Pérez, Eva Bucciarelli, Julia Boutorh, Vincent Bouvier, Edward A. Boyle, Pierre Branellec, Lidia I. Carracedo, Nuria Casacuberta, Maxi Castrillejo, Marie Cheize, Leonardo Contreira Pereira, Daniel Cossa, Nathalie Daniault, Emmanuel De Saint-Léger, Frank Dehairs, Feifei Deng, Floriane Desprez de Gésincourt, Jérémy Devesa, Lorna Foliot, Debany Fonseca-Batista, Morgane Gallinari, Maribel I. García-Ibáñez, Arthur Gourain, Emilie Grossteffan, Michel Hamon, Lars Eric Heimbürger, Gideon M. Henderson, Catherine Jeandel, Catherine Kermabon, François Lacan, Philippe Le Bot, Manon Le Goff, Emilie Le Roy, Alison Lefèbvre, Stéphane Leizour, Nolwenn Lemaitre, Pere Masqué, Olivier Ménage, Jan-Lukas Menzel Barraqueta, Herlé Mercier, Fabien Perault, Fiz F. Pérez, Hélène F. Planquette, Frédéric Planchon, Arnout Roukaerts, Virginie Sanial, Raphaëlle Sauzède, Catherine Schmechtig, Rachel U. Shelley, Gillian Stewart, Jill N. Sutton, Yi Tang, Nadine Tisnérat-Laborde, Manon Tonnard, Paul Tréguer, Pieter van Beek, Cheryl M. Zurbrick, and Patricia Zunino
Biogeosciences, 15, 7097–7109,,, 2018
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The GEOVIDE cruise (GEOTRACES Section GA01) was conducted in the North Atlantic Ocean and Labrador Sea in May–June 2014. In this special issue, results from GEOVIDE, including physical oceanography and trace element and isotope cyclings, are presented among 17 articles. Here, the scientific context, project objectives, and scientific strategy of GEOVIDE are provided, along with an overview of the main results from the articles published in the special issue.
Qixing Ji, Claudia Frey, Xin Sun, Melanie Jackson, Yea-Shine Lee, Amal Jayakumar, Jeffrey C. Cornwell, and Bess B. Ward
Biogeosciences, 15, 6127–6138,,, 2018
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Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a strong greenhouse gas and ozone-depletion agent. Intense N2O effluxes had been observed from nutrient-rich estuaries with human impacts, such as the Chesapeake Bay. We report that increased nitrogen availability and low-oxygen conditions stimulate N2O production. Thus, controlling the nutrient input to the bay will decrease nitrogen availability and alleviate eutrophication, leading to water column reoxygenation, and subsequently will mitigate N2O emission.
Jan-Lukas Menzel Barraqueta, Christian Schlosser, Hélène Planquette, Arthur Gourain, Marie Cheize, Julia Boutorh, Rachel Shelley, Leonardo Contreira Pereira, Martha Gledhill, Mark J. Hopwood, François Lacan, Pascale Lherminier, Geraldine Sarthou, and Eric P. Achterberg
Biogeosciences, 15, 5271–5286,,, 2018
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In the North Atlantic and Labrador Sea, low aerosol deposition and enhanced primary productivity control the dissolved aluminium (dAl) surface distribution, while remineralization of particles seems to control the distribution at depth. DAl in the ocean allows us to indirectly quantify the amount of dust deposited to a given region for a given period. Hence, the study of its distribution, cycling, sources, and sinks is of major importance to improve aerosol deposition models and climate models.
Christian Schlosser, Katrin Schmidt, Alfred Aquilina, William B. Homoky, Maxi Castrillejo, Rachel A. Mills, Matthew D. Patey, Sophie Fielding, Angus Atkinson, and Eric P. Achterberg
Biogeosciences, 15, 4973–4993,,, 2018
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Iron (Fe) emanating from the South Georgia shelf system fuels large phytoplankton blooms downstream of the island. However, the actual supply mechanisms of Fe are unclear. We found that shelf-sediment-derived iron and iron released from Antarctic krill control the Fe distribution in the shelf waters around South Georgia. The majority of the Fe appears to be derived from recycling of Fe-enriched particles that are transported with the water masses into the bloom region.
Yong Zhang, Lennart T. Bach, Kai T. Lohbeck, Kai G. Schulz, Luisa Listmann, Regina Klapper, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 15, 3691–3701,,, 2018
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To compare variations in physiological responses to pCO2 between populations, we measured growth, POC and PIC production rates at a pCO2 range from 120 to 2630 µatm for 17 strains of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi from the Azores, Canary Islands, and Norwegian coast near Bergen. Optimal pCO2 for growth and POC production rates and tolerance to low pH was significantly higher for the Bergen population than the Azores and Canary Islands populations.
Natasha A. Gafar and Kai G. Schulz
Biogeosciences, 15, 3541–3560,,, 2018
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Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica are the most prolific calcifying phytoplankton in today's oceans. We compare their sensitivity to combined anthropogenic stressors of temperature, light and CO2. For the future, we project a niche contraction for G. oceanica. Furthermore, there was good correlation of our new metric, the CaCO3 production potential, with satellite-derived concentrations in the modern ocean, indicating means of assessing overall coccolithophorid success in the future.
Alyce M. Hancock, Andrew T. Davidson, John McKinlay, Andrew McMinn, Kai G. Schulz, and Rick L. van den Enden
Biogeosciences, 15, 2393–2410,,, 2018
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Absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) realized by humans is decreasing the ocean pH (ocean acidification). Single-celled organisms (microbes) support the Antarctic ecosystem, yet little is known about their sensitivity to ocean acidification. This study shows a shift in a natural Antarctic microbial community, with CO2 levels exceeding 634 μatm changing the community composition and favouring small cells. This would have significant flow effects for Antarctic food webs and elemental cycles.
Stacy Deppeler, Katherina Petrou, Kai G. Schulz, Karen Westwood, Imojen Pearce, John McKinlay, and Andrew Davidson
Biogeosciences, 15, 209–231,,, 2018
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We combined productivity and photophysiology measurements to investigate the effects of ocean acidification on a natural Antarctic marine microbial community. Our study identifies a threshold for CO2 tolerance in the phytoplankton community between 953 and 1140 μatm of CO2, above which productivity declines. Bacteria were tolerant to CO2 up to 1641 μatm. We identify physiological changes in the phytoplankton at high CO2 that allowed them to acclimate to the high CO2 treatment.
Johanna Maltby, Lea Steinle, Carolin R. Löscher, Hermann W. Bange, Martin A. Fischer, Mark Schmidt, and Tina Treude
Biogeosciences, 15, 137–157,,, 2018
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The activity and environmental controls of methanogenesis (MG) within the sulfate-reducing zone (0–30 cm below the seafloor) were investigated in organic-rich sediments of the seasonally hypoxic Eckernförde Bay, SW Baltic Sea. MG activity was mostly linked to non-competitive substrates. The major controls identified were organic matter availability, C / N, temperature, and O2 in the water column, revealing higher rates in warm, stratified, hypoxic seasons compared to colder, oxygenated seasons.
Coulson A. Lantz, Kai G. Schulz, Laura Stoltenberg, and Bradley D. Eyre
Biogeosciences, 14, 5377–5391,,, 2017
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This study examined the combined effect of seawater warming and organic matter enrichment on coral reef sediment metabolism. Sediments under control conditions were net autotrophic and net calcifying. Warming shifted the sediment to net heterotrophy and net dissolution, while organic matter enrichment increased net production and net calcification. When combined, the effects of each treatment were counterbalanced and sediment metabolism did not significantly differ from control treatments.
Katharine J. Crawfurd, Santiago Alvarez-Fernandez, Kristina D. A. Mojica, Ulf Riebesell, and Corina P. D. Brussaard
Biogeosciences, 14, 3831–3849,,, 2017
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Carbon dioxide (CO2) is increasing in the atmosphere and oceans. To simulate future conditions we manipulated CO2 concentrations of natural Baltic seawater in 55 m3 bags in situ. We saw increased growth rates and abundances of the smallest-sized eukaryotic phytoplankton and reduced abundances of other phytoplankton with increased CO2. Viral and bacterial abundances were also affected. This would lead to more carbon recycling in the surface water and affect marine food webs and the carbon cycle.
Giulia Faucher, Linn Hoffmann, Lennart T. Bach, Cinzia Bottini, Elisabetta Erba, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 14, 3603–3613,,, 2017
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The main goal of this study was to understand if, similarly to the fossil record, high quantities of toxic metals induce coccolith dwarfism in coccolithophore species. We investigated, for the first time, the effects of trace metals on coccolithophore species other than E. huxleyi and on coccolith morphology and size. Our data show a species-specific sensitivity to trace metal concentration, allowing the recognition of the most-, intermediate- and least-tolerant taxa to trace metal enrichments.
Hanieh T. Farid, Kai G. Schulz, and Andrew L. Rose
Biogeosciences Discuss.,,, 2017
Manuscript not accepted for further review
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This study provides new insights into: (a) how organic exudates from a marine cyanobacterium may influence iron speciation and bioavailability in the extracellular milieu; and (b) approaches for evaluating rate constants for Fe(II) oxidation in the presence of unknown organic ligands. Given that microorganisms play critical roles in biochemical cycling of trace metals in water systems, the findings are expected to improve nutrient uptake models and be of interest to broad range of readers.
Johannes Karstensen, Florian Schütte, Alice Pietri, Gerd Krahmann, Björn Fiedler, Damian Grundle, Helena Hauss, Arne Körtzinger, Carolin R. Löscher, Pierre Testor, Nuno Vieira, and Martin Visbeck
Biogeosciences, 14, 2167–2181,,, 2017
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High-resolution observational data from underwater gliders and ships are used to investigate drivers and pathways of nutrient upwelling in high-productive whirling ecosystems (eddies). The data suggest that the upwelling is created by the interaction of wind-induced internal waves with the local rotation of the eddy. Because of differences in nutrient and oxygen pathways, a low-oxygen core is established at shallow depth in the high-productive eddies.
Mitchell Call, Kai G. Schulz, Matheus C. Carvalho, Isaac R. Santos, and Damien T. Maher
Biogeosciences, 14, 1305–1313,,, 2017
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The conventional method for determining dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and it carbon stable isotope ratio (δ13C–DIC) can be a laborious process which can limit sampling frequency. This paper presents a new approach to autonomously determine DIC & δ13C–DIC at high temporal resolution. The simple method requires no customised design. Instead it uses two commercially available instruments and achieved a sampling resolution of 16 mins with precision and accuracy comparable to conventional methods.
Silke Lischka, Lennart T. Bach, Kai-Georg Schulz, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 14, 447–466,,, 2017
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We conducted a large-scale field experiment using 55 m3 floating containers (mesocosms) to investigate consequences of near-future projected CO2 elevations (ocean acidification) on a Baltic Sea plankton community in Storfjärden (Finland). The focus of our study was on single- and multicelled small-sized organisms dwelling in the water column. Our results suggest that increasing CO2 concentrations may change the species composition and promote specific food web interactions.
Enis Hrustić, Risto Lignell, Ulf Riebesell, and Tron Frede Thingstad
Biogeosciences, 14, 379–387,,, 2017
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Phytoplankton in the ocean's stratified layer are limited by mineral nutrients, normally nitrogen, phosphorus, or iron. It is important to know not only which element is limiting, but also the surplus of the secondary limiting element. We explore here, in temperate mesotrophic waters, a bioassay based on alkaline phosphatase that provides information on both of these.
Thomas Hornick, Lennart T. Bach, Katharine J. Crawfurd, Kristian Spilling, Eric P. Achterberg, Jason N. Woodhouse, Kai G. Schulz, Corina P. D. Brussaard, Ulf Riebesell, and Hans-Peter Grossart
Biogeosciences, 14, 1–15,,, 2017
Rafael Bermúdez, Monika Winder, Annegret Stuhr, Anna-Karin Almén, Jonna Engström-Öst, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 13, 6625–6635,,, 2016
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Increasing CO2 is changing seawater chemistry towards a lower pH, which affects marine organisms. We investigate the response of a brackish plankton community to a CO2 gradient in terms of structure and fatty acid composition. The structure was resilient to CO2 and did not diverge between treatments. FA was influenced by community structure, which was driven by silicate and phosphate. This suggests that CO2 effects are dampened in communities already experiencing high natural pCO2 fluctuation.
Anu Vehmaa, Anna-Karin Almén, Andreas Brutemark, Allanah Paul, Ulf Riebesell, Sara Furuhagen, and Jonna Engström-Öst
Biogeosciences, 13, 6171–6182,,, 2016
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Ocean acidification is challenging phenotypic plasticity of individuals and populations. We studied phenotypic plasticity of the calanoid copepod Acartia bifilosa in the course of a pelagic, large-volume mesocosm study in the Baltic Sea. We found significant negative effects of ocean acidification on adult female copepod size and egg hatching success. Overall, these results indicate that A. bifilosa could be affected by projected near-future CO2 levels.
Kristian Spilling, Kai G. Schulz, Allanah J. Paul, Tim Boxhammer, Eric P. Achterberg, Thomas Hornick, Silke Lischka, Annegret Stuhr, Rafael Bermúdez, Jan Czerny, Kate Crawfurd, Corina P. D. Brussaard, Hans-Peter Grossart, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 13, 6081–6093,,, 2016
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We performed an experiment in the Baltic Sea in order to investigate the consequences of the increasing CO2 levels on biological processes in the free water mass. There was more accumulation of organic carbon at high CO2 levels. Surprisingly, this was caused by reduced loss processes (respiration and bacterial production) in a high-CO2 environment, and not by increased photosynthetic fixation of CO2. Our carbon budget can be used to better disentangle the effects of ocean acidification.
Björn Fiedler, Damian S. Grundle, Florian Schütte, Johannes Karstensen, Carolin R. Löscher, Helena Hauss, Hannes Wagner, Alexandra Loginova, Rainer Kiko, Péricles Silva, Toste Tanhua, and Arne Körtzinger
Biogeosciences, 13, 5633–5647,,, 2016
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Oxygen-depleted mesoscale features in the open eastern tropical North Atlantic, which are formed in the Mauritanian upwelling region, were discovered recently. This study examines biogeochemical structure and magnitudes of related processes within these isolated water masses. We found very low oxygen concentrations and strongly enhanced acidity at near-surface depth. Oxygen utilization and downward carbon export were found to exceed known values for this ocean region.
Francesca Gallo, Kai G. Schulz, Eduardo B. Azevedo, João Madruga, and Joana Barcelos e Ramos
Biogeosciences Discuss.,,, 2016
Revised manuscript not accepted
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Global change driven by humans activities may affect phytoplankton, which are important primary producers. Assessing the combined effect of turbulence and ocean acidification on the species Asterionellopsis glacialis, we found that turbulence magnifies the acidification stress, with negative effects on their growth. In the natural environment, this might have consequences to phytoplankton community composition and production with feedbacks to climate.
Kristian Spilling, Allanah J. Paul, Niklas Virkkala, Tom Hastings, Silke Lischka, Annegret Stuhr, Rafael Bermúdez, Jan Czerny, Tim Boxhammer, Kai G. Schulz, Andrea Ludwig, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 13, 4707–4719,,, 2016
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Anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are reducing the pH in the world's oceans. We determined the plankton community composition and measured primary production, respiration rates and carbon export during an ocean acidification experiment. Our results suggest that increased CO2 reduced respiration and increased net carbon fixation at high CO2. This did not, however, translate into higher carbon export, and consequently did not work as a negative feedback mechanism for decreasing pH.
Juntian Xu, Lennart T. Bach, Kai G. Schulz, Wenyan Zhao, Kunshan Gao, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 13, 4637–4643,,, 2016
Alison L. Webb, Emma Leedham-Elvidge, Claire Hughes, Frances E. Hopkins, Gill Malin, Lennart T. Bach, Kai Schulz, Kate Crawfurd, Corina P. D. Brussaard, Annegret Stuhr, Ulf Riebesell, and Peter S. Liss
Biogeosciences, 13, 4595–4613,,, 2016
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This paper presents concentrations of several trace gases produced by the Baltic Sea phytoplankton community during a mesocosm experiment with five different CO2 levels. Average concentrations of dimethylsulphide were lower in the highest CO2 mesocosms over a 6-week period, corresponding to previous mesocosm experiment results. No dimethylsulfoniopropionate was detected due to a methodological issue. Concentrations of iodine- and bromine-containing halocarbons were unaffected by increasing CO2.
Jessica Gier, Stefan Sommer, Carolin R. Löscher, Andrew W. Dale, Ruth A. Schmitz, and Tina Treude
Biogeosciences, 13, 4065–4080,,, 2016
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Benthic nitrogen fixation and sulfate reduction were investigated in the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone. The data suggest a coupling of both activities to a large extent, but that also sulfide and organic matter availability are controlling the benthic diazotrophy in this area. The molecular analysis confirms the presence of heterotrophic diazotrophs. This work improves our understanding of N cycling in OMZ sediments and the understanding of N sources in the marine environment.
Allanah J. Paul, Eric P. Achterberg, Lennart T. Bach, Tim Boxhammer, Jan Czerny, Mathias Haunost, Kai-Georg Schulz, Annegret Stuhr, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 13, 3901–3913,,, 2016
Carolin R. Löscher, Hermann W. Bange, Ruth A. Schmitz, Cameron M. Callbeck, Anja Engel, Helena Hauss, Torsten Kanzow, Rainer Kiko, Gaute Lavik, Alexandra Loginova, Frank Melzner, Judith Meyer, Sven C. Neulinger, Markus Pahlow, Ulf Riebesell, Harald Schunck, Sören Thomsen, and Hannes Wagner
Biogeosciences, 13, 3585–3606,,, 2016
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The ocean loses oxygen due to climate change. Addressing this issue in tropical ocean regions (off Peru and Mauritania), we aimed to understand the effects of oxygen depletion on various aspects of marine biogeochemistry, including primary production and export production, the nitrogen cycle, greenhouse gas production, organic matter fluxes and remineralization, and the role of zooplankton and viruses.
Anna Jansson, Silke Lischka, Tim Boxhammer, Kai G. Schulz, and Joanna Norkko
Biogeosciences, 13, 3377–3385,,, 2016
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We studied the responses of larvae of Macoma balthica to a range of future CO2 scenarios using large mesocosms encompassing the entire pelagic community. We focused on the growth and settlement process of M. balthica when exposed to future CO2 levels, and found the size and time to settlement to increase along the CO2 gradient, suggesting a developmental delay. The strong impact of increasing CO2 on early-stage bivalves is alarming as these stages are crucial for sustaining viable populations.
Matthew P. Humphreys, Florence M. Greatrix, Eithne Tynan, Eric P. Achterberg, Alex M. Griffiths, Claudia H. Fry, Rebecca Garley, Alison McDonald, and Adrian J. Boyce
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 8, 221–233,,, 2016
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This paper reports the stable isotope composition of dissolved inorganic carbon in seawater for a transect from west to east across the North Atlantic Ocean. The results can be used to study oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide, and also to investigate the natural biological carbon pump. We also provide stable DIC isotope results for two batches of Dickson seawater CRMs to enable intercomparisons with other studies.
Monika Nausch, Lennart Thomas Bach, Jan Czerny, Josephine Goldstein, Hans-Peter Grossart, Dana Hellemann, Thomas Hornick, Eric Pieter Achterberg, Kai-Georg Schulz, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 13, 3035–3050,,, 2016
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Studies investigating the effect of increasing CO2 levels on the phosphorus cycle in natural waters are lacking although phosphorus often controls phytoplankton development in aquatic systems. The aim of our study was to analyse effects of elevated CO2 levels on phosphorus pool sizes and uptake. Therefore, we conducted a CO2-manipulation mesocosm experiment in the Storfjärden (western Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea) in summer 2012. We compared the phosphorus dynamics in different mesocosm treatment
Carolin R. Löscher, Annie Bourbonnais, Julien Dekaezemacker, Chawalit N. Charoenpong, Mark A. Altabet, Hermann W. Bange, Rena Czeschel, Chris Hoffmann, and Ruth Schmitz
Biogeosciences, 13, 2889–2899,,, 2016
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The ocean is full of eddies and they play a key role for ocean biogeochemistry. In order to understand dinitrogen (N2) fixation, one major control of oceanic primary production, we investigated three eddies in the eastern tropical South Pacific off Peru. We conducted the first detailed survey and found increased N2 fixation in the oxygen-depleted cores of anticyclonic mode water eddies. Taken together, we could – for the first time – show that eddies play an important role in N2 fixation off Peru.
Tim Boxhammer, Lennart T. Bach, Jan Czerny, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 13, 2849–2858,,, 2016
Helena Hauss, Svenja Christiansen, Florian Schütte, Rainer Kiko, Miryam Edvam Lima, Elizandro Rodrigues, Johannes Karstensen, Carolin R. Löscher, Arne Körtzinger, and Björn Fiedler
Biogeosciences, 13, 1977–1989,,, 2016
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In a low-oxygen eddy in the tropical Atlantic, total zooplankton biomass was increased. Larger plankton avoided the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ, < 20 µmol O2 kg−1). We identified four strategies by different plankton groups: (i) shallow OMZ avoidance and compression at surface, (ii) migration to shallow OMZ core during daytime, migration to surface at nighttime, (iii) residing in shallow OMZ day and night and (iv) migration through the shallow OMZ from oxygenated depths to surface and back.
Ulrike Lomnitz, Stefan Sommer, Andrew W. Dale, Carolin R. Löscher, Anna Noffke, Klaus Wallmann, and Christian Hensen
Biogeosciences, 13, 1367–1386,,, 2016
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The study presents a P budget including the P input from the water column, the P burial in the sediments, as well as the P release from the sediments. We found that the P input could not maintain the P release rates. Consideration of other P sources, e.g., terrigenous P and P released from the dissolution of Fe oxyhydroxides, showed that none of these can account for the missing P. Thus, it is likely that abundant sulfide-oxidizing bacteria release the missing P during our measurement period.
Damian L. Arévalo-Martínez, Annette Kock, Carolin R. Löscher, Ruth A. Schmitz, Lothar Stramma, and Hermann W. Bange
Biogeosciences, 13, 1105–1118,,, 2016
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We present the first measurements of N2O across three mesoscale eddies in the eastern tropical South Pacific. Eddie's vertical structure, offshore transport, properties during its formation and near-surface primary production determined the N2O distribution. Substantial depletion of N2O within the core of anticyclonic eddies suggests that although these are transient features, N-loss processes within their centres can lead to an enhanced N2O sink which is not accounted for in marine N2O budgets.
Anna-Karin Almén, Anu Vehmaa, Andreas Brutemark, Lennart Bach, Silke Lischka, Annegret Stuhr, Sara Furuhagen, Allanah Paul, J. Rafael Bermúdez, Ulf Riebesell, and Jonna Engström-Öst
Biogeosciences, 13, 1037–1048,,, 2016
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We studied the effects of ocean acidification (OA) on the aquatic crustacean Eurytemora affinis and measured offspring production in relation to pH, chlorophyll, algae, fatty acids, and oxidative stress. No effects on offspring production or pH effects via food were found. E. affinis seems robust against OA on a physiological level and did probably not face acute pH stress in the treatments, as the species naturally face large pH fluctuations.
A. Kock, D. L. Arévalo-Martínez, C. R. Löscher, and H. W. Bange
Biogeosciences, 13, 827–840,,, 2016
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We measured the nitrous oxide (N2O) distribution in the water column in the oxygen minimum zone off Peru, an area with extremely high N2O emissions. Our data show very variable and often very high N2O concentrations in the water column at the coast, which lead to high N2O emissions when these waters are brought to the surface. The very high N2O production off Peru may be caused by high nutrient turnover rates together with rapid changes in the oxygen concentrations.
J. Meyer, C. R. Löscher, S. C. Neulinger, A. F. Reichel, A. Loginova, C. Borchard, R. A. Schmitz, H. Hauss, R. Kiko, and U. Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 13, 781–794,,, 2016
C. R. Löscher, M. A. Fischer, S. C. Neulinger, B. Fiedler, M. Philippi, F. Schütte, A. Singh, H. Hauss, J. Karstensen, A. Körtzinger, S. Künzel, and R. A. Schmitz
Biogeosciences, 12, 7467–7482,,, 2015
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The waters of the tropical Atlantic Open Ocean usually contain comparably high concentrations of oxygen. Now, it became clear that there are watermasses related to eddies that are nearly anoxic. We surveyed one of those eddies and found a biosphere that largely differed from the usual biosphere present in this area with a specific community responsible for primary production and for degradation processes. Further, we found the very first indication for active nitrogen loss in the open Atlantic.
A. N. Loginova, C. Borchard, J. Meyer, H. Hauss, R. Kiko, and A. Engel
Biogeosciences, 12, 6897–6914,,, 2015
M. N. Müller, J. Barcelos e Ramos, K. G. Schulz, U. Riebesell, J. Kaźmierczak, F. Gallo, L. Mackinder, Y. Li, P. N. Nesterenko, T. W. Trull, and G. M. Hallegraeff
Biogeosciences, 12, 6493–6501,,, 2015
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The White Cliffs of Dover date back to the Cretaceous and are made up of microscopic chalky shells which were produced mainly by marine phytoplankton (coccolithophores). This is iconic proof for their success at times of relatively high seawater calcium concentrations and, as shown here, to be linked to their ability to precipitate calcium as chalk. The invention of calcification can thus be considered an evolutionary milestone allowing coccolithophores to thrive at times when others struggled.
A. Singh, S. E. Baer, U. Riebesell, A. C. Martiny, and M. W. Lomas
Biogeosciences, 12, 6389–6403,,, 2015
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Stoichiometry of macronutrients in the subtropical ocean is important to understand how biogeochemical cycles are coupled. We observed that elemental stoichiometry was much higher in the dissolved organic-matter pools than in the particulate organic matter pools. In addition ratios vary with depth due to changes in growth rates of specific phytoplankton groups, namely cyanobacteria. These data will improve biogeochemical models by placing observational constraints on these ratios.
A. J. Paul, L. T. Bach, K.-G. Schulz, T. Boxhammer, J. Czerny, E. P. Achterberg, D. Hellemann, Y. Trense, M. Nausch, M. Sswat, and U. Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 12, 6181–6203,,, 2015
Y. Zhang, N. Mahowald, R. A. Scanza, E. Journet, K. Desboeufs, S. Albani, J. F. Kok, G. Zhuang, Y. Chen, D. D. Cohen, A. Paytan, M. D. Patey, E. P. Achterberg, J. P. Engelbrecht, and K. W. Fomba
Biogeosciences, 12, 5771–5792,,, 2015
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A new technique to determine a size-fractionated global soil elemental emission inventory based on a global soil and mineralogical data set is introduced. Spatial variability of mineral dust elemental fractions (8 elements, e.g., Ca, Fe, Al) is identified on a global scale, particularly for Ca. The Ca/Al ratio ranged between 0.1 and 5.0 and is confirmed as an indicator of dust source regions by a global dust model. Total and soluble dust element fluxes into different ocean basins are estimated.
A. Engel, C. Borchard, A. Loginova, J. Meyer, H. Hauss, and R. Kiko
Biogeosciences, 12, 5647–5665,,, 2015
T. Larsen, L. T. Bach, R. Salvatteci, Y. V. Wang, N. Andersen, M. Ventura, and M. D. McCarthy
Biogeosciences, 12, 4979–4992,,, 2015
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A tiny fraction of marine algae escapes decomposition and is buried in sediments. Since tools are needed to track the fate of algal organic carbon, we tested whether naturally occurring isotope variability among amino acids from algae and bacteria can be used as source diagnostic fingerprints. We found that isotope fingerprints track algal amino acid sources with high fidelity across different growth conditions, and that the fingerprints can be used to quantify bacterial amino acids in sediment.
L. T. Bach
Biogeosciences, 12, 4939–4951,,, 2015
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Calcification by marine organisms reacts to changing seawater carbonate chemistry, but it is unclear which components of the carbonate system drive the observed response. This study uncovers proportionalities between different carbonate chemistry parameters. These enable us to understand why calcification often correlates well with carbonate ion concentration, and they imply that net CaCO3 formation in high latitudes is not more vulnerable to ocean acidification than formation in low latitudes.
M. P. Humphreys, E. P. Achterberg, A. M. Griffiths, A. McDonald, and A. J. Boyce
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 7, 127–135,,, 2015
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We present measurements of the stable carbon isotope composition of seawater dissolved inorganic carbon. The samples were collected during two research cruises in boreal summer 2012 in the northeastern Atlantic and Nordic Seas. The results can be used to investigate the marine carbon cycle, providing information about biological productivity and oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide.
J. Meyer and U. Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 12, 1671–1682,,, 2015
S. A. Krueger-Hadfield, C. Balestreri, J. Schroeder, A. Highfield, P. Helaouët, J. Allum, R. Moate, K. T. Lohbeck, P. I. Miller, U. Riebesell, T. B. H. Reusch, R. E. M. Rickaby, J. Young, G. Hallegraeff, C. Brownlee, and D. C. Schroeder
Biogeosciences, 11, 5215–5234,,, 2014
M. N. Müller, M. Lebrato, U. Riebesell, J. Barcelos e Ramos, K. G. Schulz, S. Blanco-Ameijeiras, S. Sett, A. Eisenhauer, and H. M. Stoll
Biogeosciences, 11, 1065–1075,,, 2014
A. Silyakova, R. G. J. Bellerby, K. G. Schulz, J. Czerny, T. Tanaka, G. Nondal, U. Riebesell, A. Engel, T. De Lange, and A. Ludvig
Biogeosciences, 10, 4847–4859,,, 2013
J. Czerny, K. G. Schulz, T. Boxhammer, R. G. J. Bellerby, J. Büdenbender, A. Engel, S. A. Krug, A. Ludwig, K. Nachtigall, G. Nondal, B. Niehoff, A. Silyakova, and U. Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 10, 3109–3125,,, 2013
T. Cyronak, I. R. Santos, D. V. Erler, and B. D. Eyre
Biogeosciences, 10, 2467–2480,,, 2013
J. Czerny, K. G. Schulz, S. A. Krug, A. Ludwig, and U. Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 10, 1937–1941,,, 2013
U. Riebesell, J. Czerny, K. von Bröckel, T. Boxhammer, J. Büdenbender, M. Deckelnick, M. Fischer, D. Hoffmann, S. A. Krug, U. Lentz, A. Ludwig, R. Muche, and K. G. Schulz
Biogeosciences, 10, 1835–1847,,, 2013
N. Aberle, K. G. Schulz, A. Stuhr, A. M. Malzahn, A. Ludwig, and U. Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 10, 1471–1481,,, 2013
V. J. Bertics, C. R. Löscher, I. Salonen, A. W. Dale, J. Gier, R. A. Schmitz, and T. Treude
Biogeosciences, 10, 1243–1258,,, 2013
A. de Kluijver, K. Soetaert, J. Czerny, K. G. Schulz, T. Boxhammer, U. Riebesell, and J. J. Middelburg
Biogeosciences, 10, 1425–1440,,, 2013
A. Engel, C. Borchard, J. Piontek, K. G. Schulz, U. Riebesell, and R. Bellerby
Biogeosciences, 10, 1291–1308,,, 2013
B. Niehoff, T. Schmithüsen, N. Knüppel, M. Daase, J. Czerny, and T. Boxhammer
Biogeosciences, 10, 1391–1406,,, 2013
C. P. D. Brussaard, A. A. M. Noordeloos, H. Witte, M. C. J. Collenteur, K. Schulz, A. Ludwig, and U. Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 10, 719–731,,, 2013
A.-S. Roy, S. M. Gibbons, H. Schunck, S. Owens, J. G. Caporaso, M. Sperling, J. I. Nissimov, S. Romac, L. Bittner, M. Mühling, U. Riebesell, J. LaRoche, and J. A. Gilbert
Biogeosciences, 10, 555–566,,, 2013
T. Tanaka, S. Alliouane, R. G. B. Bellerby, J. Czerny, A. de Kluijver, U. Riebesell, K. G. Schulz, A. Silyakova, and J.-P. Gattuso
Biogeosciences, 10, 315–325,,, 2013
J. Piontek, C. Borchard, M. Sperling, K. G. Schulz, U. Riebesell, and A. Engel
Biogeosciences, 10, 297–314,,, 2013
M. Sperling, J. Piontek, G. Gerdts, A. Wichels, H. Schunck, A.-S. Roy, J. La Roche, J. Gilbert, J. I. Nissimov, L. Bittner, S. Romac, U. Riebesell, and A. Engel
Biogeosciences, 10, 181–191,,, 2013
K. G. Schulz, R. G. J. Bellerby, C. P. D. Brussaard, J. Büdenbender, J. Czerny, A. Engel, M. Fischer, S. Koch-Klavsen, S. A. Krug, S. Lischka, A. Ludwig, M. Meyerhöfer, G. Nondal, A. Silyakova, A. Stuhr, and U. Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 10, 161–180,,, 2013
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Yong-Woo Lee, Mi-Ok Park, Seong-Gil Kim, Tae-Hoon Kim, Yong Hwa Oh, Sang Heon Lee, and DongJoo Joung
Biogeosciences, 22, 675–690,,, 2025
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Long-term pH variation in coastal waters along the Korean Peninsula was assessed for the first time, and it exhibited no significant pH change over an 11-year period. This contrasts with the ongoing pH decline in open oceans and other coastal areas. Analysis of environmental data showed that pH is mainly controlled by dissolved oxygen in bottom waters. This suggests that ocean warming could cause a pH decline in Korean coastal waters, affecting many fish and seaweed aquaculture operations.
Kadir Biçe, Tristen Myers Stewart, George G. Waldbusser, and Christof Meile
Biogeosciences, 22, 641–657,,, 2025
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We studied the effect of addition of carbonate minerals on coastal sediments. We carried out laboratory experiments to quantify the dissolution kinetics and integrated these observations into a numerical model that describes biogeochemical cycling in surficial sediments. Using the model, we demonstrate the buffering effect of the mineral additions and their duration. We quantify the effect under different environmental conditions and assess the potential for increased atmospheric CO2 uptake.
Jessica L. Oberlander, Mackenzie E. Burke, Cat A. London, and Hugh L. MacIntyre
Biogeosciences, 22, 499–512,,, 2025
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) is a promising negative emission technology that results in the net sequestration of atmospheric carbon. In this paper, we assess the potential impact of OAE on phytoplankton through an analysis of prior studies and the effects of simulated OAE on photosynthetic competence. Our findings suggest that there may be little if any significant impact on most phytoplankton studied to date if OAE is conducted in well-flushed, nearshore environments.
Laura Marín-Samper, Javier Arístegui, Nauzet Hernández-Hernández, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 21, 5707–5724,,, 2024
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This study exposed a natural community to two non-CO2-equilibrated ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) deployments using different minerals. Adding alkalinity in this manner decreases dissolved CO2, essential for photosynthesis. While photosynthesis was not suppressed, bloom formation was mildly delayed, potentially impacting marine food webs. The study emphasizes the need for further research on OAE without prior equilibration and on its ecological implications.
Riss M. Kell, Rebecca J. Chmiel, Deepa Rao, Dawn M. Moran, Matthew R. McIlvin, Tristan J. Horner, Nicole L. Schanke, Ichiko Sugiyama, Robert B. Dunbar, Giacomo R. DiTullio, and Mak A. Saito
Biogeosciences, 21, 5685–5706,,, 2024
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Despite interest in modeling the biogeochemical uptake and cycling of the trace metal zinc (Zn), measurements of Zn uptake in natural marine phytoplankton communities have not been conducted previously. To fill this gap, we employed a stable isotope uptake rate measurement method to quantify Zn uptake into natural phytoplankton assemblages within the Southern Ocean. Zn demand was high and rapid enough to depress the inventory of Zn available to phytoplankton on seasonal timescales.
Luisa Chiara Meiritz, Tim Rixen, Anja Karin van der Plas, Tarron Lamont, and Niko Lahajnar
Biogeosciences, 21, 5261–5276,,, 2024
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Moored and drifting sediment trap experiments in the northern (nBUS) and southern (sBUS) Benguela Upwelling System showed that active carbon fluxes by vertically migrating zooplankton were about 3 times higher in the sBUS than in the nBUS. Despite these large variabilities, the mean passive particulate organic carbon (POC) fluxes were almost equal in the two subsystems. The more intense near-bottom oxygen minimum layer seems to lead to higher POC fluxes and accumulation rates in the nBUS.
Michael R. Roman, Andrew H. Altieri, Denise Breitburg, Erica M. Ferrer, Natalya D. Gallo, Shin-ichi Ito, Karin Limburg, Kenneth Rose, Moriaki Yasuhara, and Lisa A. Levin
Biogeosciences, 21, 4975–5004,,, 2024
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Oxygen-depleted ocean waters have increased worldwide. In order to improve our understanding of the impacts of this oxygen loss on marine life it is essential that we develop reliable indicators that track the negative impacts of low oxygen. We review various indicators of low-oxygen stress for marine animals including their use, research needs, and application to confront the challenges of ocean oxygen loss.
Charlotte Eich, Mathijs van Manen, J. Scott P. McCain, Loay J. Jabre, Willem H. van de Poll, Jinyoung Jung, Sven B. E. H. Pont, Hung-An Tian, Indah Ardiningsih, Gert-Jan Reichart, Erin M. Bertrand, Corina P. D. Brussaard, and Rob Middag
Biogeosciences, 21, 4637–4663,,, 2024
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Phytoplankton growth in the Southern Ocean (SO) is often limited by low iron (Fe) concentrations. Sea surface warming impacts Fe availability and can affect phytoplankton growth. We used shipboard Fe clean incubations to test how changes in Fe and temperature affect SO phytoplankton. Their abundances usually increased with Fe addition and temperature increase, with Fe being the major factor. These findings imply potential shifts in ecosystem structure, impacting food webs and elemental cycling.
Miriam Tivig, David P. Keller, and Andreas Oschlies
Biogeosciences, 21, 4469–4493,,, 2024
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Marine biological production is highly dependent on the availability of nitrogen and phosphorus. Rivers are the main source of phosphorus to the oceans but poorly represented in global model oceans. We include dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus from river export in a global model ocean and find that the addition of riverine phosphorus affects marine biology on millennial timescales more than riverine nitrogen alone. Globally, riverine phosphorus input increases primary production rates.
Menghong Dong, Xinyu Guo, Takuya Matsuura, Taichi Tebakari, and Jing Zhang
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), a common coastal hydrological process that involves submarine inflow of groundwater into the sea, is associated with a large nutrient load. To clarify the distribution of SGD-derived nutrients after release at the bottom of the sea and their contribution to phytoplankton growth in the marine ecosystem, we modeled the SGD process in Toyama Bay using a specialized computer code that can distinguish SGD-derived nutrients from nutrients from other sources.
Esdoorn Willcox, Marcos Lemes, Thomas Juul-Pedersen, Mikael Kristian Sejr, Johnna Marchiano Holding, and Søren Rysgaard
Biogeosciences, 21, 4037–4050,,, 2024
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In this work, we measured the chemistry of seawater from samples obtained from different depths and locations off the east coast of the Northeast Greenland National Park to determine what is influencing concentrations of dissolved CO2. Historically, the region has always been thought to take up CO2 from the atmosphere, but we show that it is possible for the region to become a source in late summer. We discuss the variables that may be related to such changes.
Lennart Thomas Bach, Aaron James Ferderer, Julie LaRoche, and Kai Georg Schulz
Biogeosciences, 21, 3665–3676,,, 2024
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) is an emerging marine CO2 removal method, but its environmental effects are insufficiently understood. The OAE Pelagic Impact Intercomparison Project (OAEPIIP) provides funding for a standardized and globally replicated microcosm experiment to study the effects of OAE on plankton communities. Here, we provide a detailed manual for the OAEPIIP experiment. We expect OAEPIIP to help build scientific consensus on the effects of OAE on plankton.
Marlena Szeligowska, Déborah Benkort, Anna Przyborska, Mateusz Moskalik, Bernabé Moreno, Emilia Trudnowska, and Katarzyna Błachowiak-Samołyk
Biogeosciences, 21, 3617–3639,,, 2024
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The European Arctic is experiencing rapid regional warming, causing glaciers that terminate in the sea to retreat onto land. Due to this process, the area of a well-studied fjord, Hornsund, has increased by around 100 km2 (40%) since 1976. Combining satellite and in situ data with a mathematical model, we estimated that, despite some negative consequences of glacial meltwater release, such emerging coastal waters could mitigate climate change by increasing carbon uptake and storage by sediments.
Mallory C. Ringham, Nathan Hirtle, Cody Shaw, Xi Lu, Julian Herndon, Brendan R. Carter, and Matthew D. Eisaman
Biogeosciences, 21, 3551–3570,,, 2024
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement leverages the large surface area and carbon storage capacity of the oceans to store atmospheric CO2 as dissolved bicarbonate. We monitored CO2 uptake in seawater treated with NaOH to establish operational boundaries for carbon removal experiments. Results show that CO2 equilibration occurred on the order of weeks to months, was consistent with values expected from equilibration calculations, and was limited by mineral precipitation at high pH and CaCO3 saturation.
Riel Carlo O. Ingeniero, Gesa Schulz, and Hermann W. Bange
Biogeosciences, 21, 3425–3440,,, 2024
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Our research is the first to measure dissolved NO concentrations in temperate estuarine waters, providing insights into its distribution under varying conditions and enhancing our understanding of its production processes. Dissolved NO was supersaturated in the Elbe Estuary, indicating that it is a source of atmospheric NO. The observed distribution of dissolved NO most likely resulted from nitrification.
Celeste López-Abbate, John E. Garzón-Cardona, Ricardo Silva, Juan-Carlos Molinero, Laura A. Ruiz-Etcheverry, Ana M. Martínez, Azul S. Gilabert, and Rubén J. Lara
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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This study examines how microbial community structure, growth, and grazing impact the DOM pool in the Patagonian Shelf. Despite higher phytoplankton biomass, faster-growing bacteria were selectively grazed by protists leading to DOM accumulation, likely due to a reduction in DOM-consuming bacteria and the addition of egestion compounds. Experimental data showed that while bacteria remained as the primarily shapers of DOM quality, grazing pressure impacted on DOM accumulation.
Sören Iwe, Oliver Schmale, and Bernd Schneider
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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We present a novel method to quantify N2 fixation by cyanobacteria, crucial in Baltic Sea eutrophication. Our Gas Equilibrium – Membrane-Inlet Mass Spectrometer (GE-MIMS), designed for operation on voluntary observing ships (VOS), enables large-scale monitoring of surface water N2 depletion caused by N2 fixation. Laboratory tests confirm the device’s accuracy and precision, ensuring it can complement current methods and contribute valuable data to better understand N2 fixation in the Baltic Sea.
Weiyi Tang, Jeff Talbott, Timothy Jones, and Bess B. Ward
Biogeosciences, 21, 3239–3250,,, 2024
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Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are known to be hotspots of greenhouse gas emissions. However, the impact of WWTPs on the emission of the greenhouse gas N2O in downstream aquatic environments is less constrained. We found spatially and temporally variable but overall higher N2O concentrations and fluxes in waters downstream of WWTPs, pointing to the need for efficient N2O removal in addition to the treatment of nitrogen in WWTPs.
Daniel Müller, Bo Liu, Walter Geibert, Moritz Holtappels, Lasse Sander, Elda Miramontes, Heidi Taubner, Susann Henkel, Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, Denise Bethke, Ingrid Dohrmann, and Sabine Kasten
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Coastal and shelf sediments are the most important sinks for organic carbon (OC) on Earth. We produced a new high-resolution sediment and pore-water dataset from the Helgoland Mud Area (HMA), North Sea, to determine, which depositional factors control the preservation of OC. The burial efficiency is highest in an area of high sedimentation and terrigenous OC. The HMA covers 0.09 % of the North Sea, but accounts for 0.76 % of its OC accumulation, highlighting the importance of the depocentre.
Amanda Y. L. Cheong, Kogila Vani Annammala, Ee Ling Yong, Yongli Zhou, Robert S. Nichols, and Patrick Martin
Biogeosciences, 21, 2955–2971,,, 2024
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We measured nutrients and dissolved organic matter for 1 year in a eutrophic tropical estuary to understand their sources and cycling. Our data show that the dissolved organic matter originates partly from land and partly from microbial processes in the water. Internal recycling is likely important for maintaining high nutrient concentrations, and we found that there is often excess nitrogen compared to silicon and phosphorus. Our data help to explain how eutrophication persists in this system.
Aaron Ferderer, Kai G. Schulz, Ulf Riebesell, Kirralee G. Baker, Zanna Chase, and Lennart T. Bach
Biogeosciences, 21, 2777–2794,,, 2024
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) is a promising method of atmospheric carbon removal; however, its ecological impacts remain largely unknown. We assessed the effects of simulated silicate- and calcium-based mineral OAE on diatom silicification. We found that increased silicate concentrations from silicate-based OAE increased diatom silicification. In contrast, the enhancement of alkalinity had no effect on community silicification and minimal effects on the silicification of different genera.
David González-Santana, María Segovia, Melchor González-Dávila, Librada Ramírez, Aridane G. González, Leonardo J. Pozzo-Pirotta, Veronica Arnone, Victor Vázquez, Ulf Riebesell, and J. Magdalena Santana-Casiano
Biogeosciences, 21, 2705–2715,,, 2024
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In a recent experiment off the coast of Gran Canaria (Spain), scientists explored a method called ocean alkalinization enhancement (OAE), where carbonate minerals were added to seawater. This process changed the levels of certain ions in the water, affecting its pH and buffering capacity. The researchers were particularly interested in how this could impact the levels of essential trace metals in the water.
Lucas Porz, Wenyan Zhang, Nils Christiansen, Jan Kossack, Ute Daewel, and Corinna Schrum
Biogeosciences, 21, 2547–2570,,, 2024
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Seafloor sediments store a large amount of carbon, helping to naturally regulate Earth's climate. If disturbed, some sediment particles can turn into CO2, but this effect is not well understood. Using computer simulations, we found that bottom-contacting fishing gears release about 1 million tons of CO2 per year in the North Sea, one of the most heavily fished regions globally. We show how protecting certain areas could reduce these emissions while also benefitting seafloor-living animals.
Jiaying A. Guo, Robert F. Strzepek, Kerrie M. Swadling, Ashley T. Townsend, and Lennart T. Bach
Biogeosciences, 21, 2335–2354,,, 2024
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement aims to increase atmospheric CO2 sequestration by adding alkaline materials to the ocean. We assessed the environmental effects of olivine and steel slag powder on coastal plankton. Overall, slag is more efficient than olivine in releasing total alkalinity and, thus, in its ability to sequester CO2. Slag also had less environmental effect on the enclosed plankton communities when considering its higher CO2 removal potential based on this 3-week experiment.
Leissing Frederick, Mauricio A. Urbina, and Ruben Escribano
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Evidence shows that due to global warming zooplankton inhabiting the coastal upwelling zone are exposed to increasing hypoxia affecting their physiology, metabolism, and population dynamics. The adaptive responses of zooplankton to cope with mild/severe hypoxia may depend on trade-offs with other metabolic/energy-demands, implying less energy for growth, feeding and reproduction with ecological consequences for the zooplankton populations and the marine food web.
Giovanni Galli, Sarah Wakelin, James Harle, Jason Holt, and Yuri Artioli
Biogeosciences, 21, 2143–2158,,, 2024
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This work shows that, under a high-emission scenario, oxygen concentration in deep water of parts of the North Sea and Celtic Sea can become critically low (hypoxia) towards the end of this century. The extent and frequency of hypoxia depends on the intensity of climate change projected by different climate models. This is the result of a complex combination of factors like warming, increase in stratification, changes in the currents and changes in biological processes.
Sandy E. Tenorio and Laura Farías
Biogeosciences, 21, 2029–2050,,, 2024
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Time series studies show that CH4 is highly dynamic on the coastal ocean surface and planktonic communities are linked to CH4 accumulation, as found in coastal upwelling off Chile. We have identified the crucial role of picoplankton (> 3 µm) in CH4 recycling, especially with the addition of methylated substrates (trimethylamine and methylphosphonic acid) during upwelling and non-upwelling periods. These insights improve understanding of surface ocean CH4 recycling, aiding CH4 emission estimates.
Charlotte A. J. Williams, Tom Hull, Jan Kaiser, Claire Mahaffey, Naomi Greenwood, Matthew Toberman, and Matthew R. Palmer
Biogeosciences, 21, 1961–1971,,, 2024
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Oxygen (O2) is a key indicator of ocean health. The risk of O2 loss in the productive coastal/continental slope regions is increasing. Autonomous underwater vehicles equipped with O2 optodes provide lots of data but have problems resolving strong vertical O2 changes. Here we show how to overcome this and calculate how much O2 is supplied to the low-O2 bottom waters via mixing. Bursts in mixing supply nearly all of the O2 to bottom waters in autumn, stopping them reaching ecologically low levels.
Sabine Schmidt and Ibrahima Iris Diallo
Biogeosciences, 21, 1785–1800,,, 2024
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Along the French coast facing the Bay of Biscay, the large Gironde and Loire estuaries suffer from hypoxia. This prompted a study of the small Charente estuary located between them. This work reveals a minimum oxygen zone in the Charente estuary, which extends for about 25 km. Temperature is the main factor controlling the hypoxia. This calls for the monitoring of small turbid macrotidal estuaries that are vulnerable to hypoxia, a risk expected to increase with global warming.
Simone R. Alin, Jan A. Newton, Richard A. Feely, Samantha Siedlecki, and Dana Greeley
Biogeosciences, 21, 1639–1673,,, 2024
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We provide a new multi-stressor data product that allows us to characterize the seasonality of temperature, O2, and CO2 in the southern Salish Sea and delivers insights into the impacts of major marine heatwave and precipitation anomalies on regional ocean acidification and hypoxia. We also describe the present-day frequencies of temperature, O2, and ocean acidification conditions that cross thresholds of sensitive regional species that are economically or ecologically important.
Librada Ramírez, Leonardo J. Pozzo-Pirotta, Aja Trebec, Víctor Manzanares-Vázquez, José L. Díez, Javier Arístegui, Ulf Riebesell, Stephen D. Archer, and María Segovia
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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We studied the potential effects of increasing ocean alkalinity on a natural plankton community in subtropical waters of the Atlantic near Gran Canaria, Spain. Alkalinity is the capacity of water to resist acidification and plankton are usually microscopic plants (phytoplankton) and animals (zooplankton), often less than 2,5 cm in length. This study suggests that increasing ocean alkalinity did not have a significant negative impact on the studied plankton community.
Pamela Linford, Iván Pérez-Santos, Paulina Montero, Patricio A. Díaz, Claudia Aracena, Elías Pinilla, Facundo Barrera, Manuel Castillo, Aida Alvera-Azcárate, Mónica Alvarado, Gabriel Soto, Cécile Pujol, Camila Schwerter, Sara Arenas-Uribe, Pilar Navarro, Guido Mancilla-Gutiérrez, Robinson Altamirano, Javiera San Martín, and Camila Soto-Riquelme
Biogeosciences, 21, 1433–1459,,, 2024
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The Patagonian fjords comprise a world region where low-oxygen water and hypoxia conditions are observed. An in situ dataset was used to quantify the mechanism involved in the presence of these conditions in northern Patagonian fjords. Water mass analysis confirmed the contribution of Equatorial Subsurface Water in the advection of the low-oxygen water, and hypoxic conditions occurred when the community respiration rate exceeded the gross primary production.
Ting Wang, Buyun Du, Inke Forbrich, Jun Zhou, Joshua Polen, Elsie M. Sunderland, Prentiss H. Balcom, Celia Chen, and Daniel Obrist
Biogeosciences, 21, 1461–1476,,, 2024
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The strong seasonal increases of Hg in aboveground biomass during the growing season and the lack of changes observed after senescence in this salt marsh ecosystem suggest physiologically controlled Hg uptake pathways. The Hg sources found in marsh aboveground tissues originate from a mix of sources, unlike terrestrial ecosystems, where atmospheric GEM is the main source. Belowground plant tissues mostly take up Hg from soils. Overall, the salt marsh currently serves as a small net Hg sink.
Eleanor Simpson, Debby Ianson, Karen E. Kohfeld, Ana C. Franco, Paul A. Covert, Marty Davelaar, and Yves Perreault
Biogeosciences, 21, 1323–1353,,, 2024
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Shellfish aquaculture operates in nearshore areas where data on ocean acidification parameters are limited. We show daily and seasonal variability in pH and saturation states of calcium carbonate at nearshore aquaculture sites in British Columbia, Canada, and determine the contributing drivers of this variability. We find that nearshore locations have greater variability than open waters and that the uptake of carbon by phytoplankton is the major driver of pH and saturation state variability.
S. Alejandra Castillo Cieza, Rachel H. R. Stanley, Pierre Marrec, Diana N. Fontaine, E. Taylor Crockford, Dennis J. McGillicuddy Jr., Arshia Mehta, Susanne Menden-Deuer, Emily E. Peacock, Tatiana A. Rynearson, Zoe O. Sandwith, Weifeng Zhang, and Heidi M. Sosik
Biogeosciences, 21, 1235–1257,,, 2024
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The coastal ocean in the northeastern USA provides many services, including fisheries and habitats for threatened species. In summer 2019, a bloom occurred of a large unusual phytoplankton, the diatom Hemiaulus, with nitrogen-fixing symbionts. This led to vast changes in productivity and grazing rates in the ecosystem. This work shows that the emergence of one species can have profound effects on ecosystem function. Such changes may become more prevalent as the ocean warms due to climate change.
Claudine Hauri, Brita Irving, Sam Dupont, Rémi Pagés, Donna D. W. Hauser, and Seth L. Danielson
Biogeosciences, 21, 1135–1159,,, 2024
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Arctic marine ecosystems are highly susceptible to impacts of climate change and ocean acidification. We present pH and pCO2 time series (2016–2020) from the Chukchi Ecosystem Observatory and analyze the drivers of the current conditions to get a better understanding of how climate change and ocean acidification could affect the ecological niches of organisms.
William Hiles, Lucy C. Miller, Craig Smeaton, and William E. N. Austin
Biogeosciences, 21, 929–948,,, 2024
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Saltmarsh soils may help to limit the rate of climate change by storing carbon. To understand their impacts, they must be accurately mapped. We use drone data to estimate the size of three saltmarshes in NE Scotland. We find that drone imagery, combined with tidal data, can reliably inform our understanding of saltmarsh size. When compared with previous work using vegetation communities, we find that our most reliable new estimates of stored carbon are 15–20 % smaller than previously estimated.
De'Marcus Robinson, Anh L. D. Pham, David J. Yousavich, Felix Janssen, Frank Wenzhöfer, Eleanor C. Arrington, Kelsey M. Gosselin, Marco Sandoval-Belmar, Matthew Mar, David L. Valentine, Daniele Bianchi, and Tina Treude
Biogeosciences, 21, 773–788,,, 2024
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The present study suggests that high release of ferrous iron from the seafloor of the oxygen-deficient Santa Barabara Basin (California) supports surface primary productivity, creating positive feedback on seafloor iron release by enhancing low-oxygen conditions in the basin.
David J. Yousavich, De'Marcus Robinson, Xuefeng Peng, Sebastian J. E. Krause, Frank Wenzhöfer, Felix Janssen, Na Liu, Jonathan Tarn, Franklin Kinnaman, David L. Valentine, and Tina Treude
Biogeosciences, 21, 789–809,,, 2024
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Declining oxygen (O2) concentrations in coastal oceans can threaten people’s ways of life and food supplies. Here, we investigate how mats of bacteria that proliferate on the seafloor of the Santa Barbara Basin sustain and potentially worsen these O2 depletion events through their unique chemoautotrophic metabolism. Our study shows how changes in seafloor microbiology and geochemistry brought on by declining O2 concentrations can help these mats grow as well as how that growth affects the basin.
Krysten Rutherford, Katja Fennel, Lina Garcia Suarez, and Jasmin G. John
Biogeosciences, 21, 301–314,,, 2024
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We downscaled two mid-century (~2075) ocean model projections to a high-resolution regional ocean model of the northwest North Atlantic (NA) shelf. In one projection, the NA shelf break current practically disappears; in the other it remains almost unchanged. This leads to a wide range of possible future shelf properties. More accurate projections of coastal circulation features would narrow the range of possible outcomes of biogeochemical projections for shelf regions.
Lennart Thomas Bach
Biogeosciences, 21, 261–277,,, 2024
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) is a widely considered marine carbon dioxide removal method. OAE aims to accelerate chemical rock weathering, which is a natural process that slowly sequesters atmospheric carbon dioxide. This study shows that the addition of anthropogenic alkalinity via OAE can reduce the natural release of alkalinity and, therefore, reduce the efficiency of OAE for climate mitigation. However, the additionality problem could be mitigated via a variety of activities.
Tsuneo Ono, Daisuke Muraoka, Masahiro Hayashi, Makiko Yorifuji, Akihiro Dazai, Shigeyuki Omoto, Takehiro Tanaka, Tomohiro Okamura, Goh Onitsuka, Kenji Sudo, Masahiko Fujii, Ryuji Hamanoue, and Masahide Wakita
Biogeosciences, 21, 177–199,,, 2024
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We carried out parallel year-round observations of pH and related parameters in five stations around the Japan coast. It was found that short-term acidified situations with Omega_ar less than 1.5 occurred at four of five stations. Most of such short-term acidified events were related to the short-term low salinity event, and the extent of short-term pH drawdown at high freshwater input was positively correlated with the nutrient concentration of the main rivers that flow into the coastal area.
K. Mareike Paul, Martijn Hermans, Sami A. Jokinen, Inda Brinkmann, Helena L. Filipsson, and Tom Jilbert
Biogeosciences, 20, 5003–5028,,, 2023
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Seawater naturally contains trace metals such as Mo and U, which accumulate under low oxygen conditions on the seafloor. Previous studies have used sediment Mo and U contents as an archive of changing oxygen concentrations in coastal waters. Here we show that in fjords the use of Mo and U for this purpose may be impaired by additional processes. Our findings have implications for the reliable use of Mo and U to reconstruct oxygen changes in fjords.
Hannah Sharpe, Michel Gosselin, Catherine Lalande, Alexandre Normandeau, Jean-Carlos Montero-Serrano, Khouloud Baccara, Daniel Bourgault, Owen Sherwood, and Audrey Limoges
Biogeosciences, 20, 4981–5001,,, 2023
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We studied the impact of submarine canyon processes within the Pointe-des-Monts system on biogenic matter export and phytoplankton assemblages. Using data from three oceanographic moorings, we show that the canyon experienced two low-amplitude sediment remobilization events in 2020–2021 that led to enhanced particle fluxes in the deep-water column layer > 2.6 km offshore. Sinking phytoplankton fluxes were lower near the canyon compared to background values from the lower St. Lawrence Estuary.
Dewi Langlet, Florian Mermillod-Blondin, Noémie Deldicq, Arthur Bauville, Gwendoline Duong, Lara Konecny, Mylène Hugoni, Lionel Denis, and Vincent M. P. Bouchet
Biogeosciences, 20, 4875–4891,,, 2023
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Benthic foraminifera are single-cell marine organisms which can move in the sediment column. They were previously reported to horizontally and vertically transport sediment particles, yet the impact of their motion on the dissolved fluxes remains unknown. Using microprofiling, we show here that foraminiferal burrow formation increases the oxygen penetration depth in the sediment, leading to a change in the structure of the prokaryotic community.
Masahiko Fujii, Ryuji Hamanoue, Lawrence Patrick Cases Bernardo, Tsuneo Ono, Akihiro Dazai, Shigeyuki Oomoto, Masahide Wakita, and Takehiro Tanaka
Biogeosciences, 20, 4527–4549,,, 2023
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This is the first study of the current and future impacts of climate change on Pacific oyster farming in Japan. Future coastal warming and acidification may affect oyster larvae as a result of longer exposure to lower-pH waters. A prolonged spawning period may harm oyster processing by shortening the shipping period and reducing oyster quality. To minimize impacts on Pacific oyster farming, in addition to mitigation measures, local adaptation measures may be required.
Taketoshi Kodama, Atsushi Nishimoto, Ken-ichi Nakamura, Misato Nakae, Naoki Iguchi, Yosuke Igeta, and Yoichi Kogure
Biogeosciences, 20, 3667–3682,,, 2023
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Carbon and nitrogen are essential elements for organisms; their stable isotope ratios (13C : 12C, 15N : 14N) are useful tools for understanding turnover and movement in the ocean. In the Sea of Japan, the environment is rapidly being altered by human activities. The 13C : 12C of small organic particles is increased by active carbon fixation, and phytoplankton growth increases the values. The 15N : 14N variations suggest that nitrates from many sources contribute to organic production.
Aubin Thibault de Chanvalon, George W. Luther, Emily R. Estes, Jennifer Necker, Bradley M. Tebo, Jianzhong Su, and Wei-Jun Cai
Biogeosciences, 20, 3053–3071,,, 2023
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The intensity of the oceanic trap of CO2 released by anthropogenic activities depends on the alkalinity brought by continental weathering. Between ocean and continent, coastal water and estuaries can limit or favour the alkalinity transfer. This study investigate new interactions between dissolved metals and alkalinity in the oxygen-depleted zone of estuaries.
Joonas J. Virtasalo, Peter Österholm, and Eero Asmala
Biogeosciences, 20, 2883–2901,,, 2023
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We mixed acidic metal-rich river water from acid sulfate soils and seawater in the laboratory to study the flocculation of dissolved metals and organic matter in estuaries. Al and Fe flocculated already at a salinity of 0–2 to large organic flocs (>80 µm size). Precipitation of Al and Fe hydroxide flocculi (median size 11 µm) began when pH exceeded ca. 5.5. Mn transferred weakly to Mn hydroxides and Co to the flocs. Up to 50 % of Cu was associated with the flocs, irrespective of seawater mixing.
Moritz Baumann, Allanah Joy Paul, Jan Taucher, Lennart Thomas Bach, Silvan Goldenberg, Paul Stange, Fabrizio Minutolo, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 20, 2595–2612,,, 2023
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The sinking velocity of marine particles affects how much atmospheric CO2 is stored inside our oceans. We measured particle sinking velocities in the Peruvian upwelling system and assessed their physical and biochemical drivers. We found that sinking velocity was mainly influenced by particle size and porosity, while ballasting minerals played only a minor role. Our findings help us to better understand the particle sinking dynamics in this highly productive marine system.
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Short summary
Upwelling of nutrient-rich deep waters to the surface make eastern boundary upwelling systems hot spots of marine productivity. This leads to subsurface oxygen depletion and the transformation of bioavailable nitrogen into inert N2. Here we quantify nitrogen loss processes following a simulated deep water upwelling. Denitrification was the dominant process, and budget calculations suggest that a significant portion of nitrogen that could be exported to depth is already lost in the surface ocean.
Upwelling of nutrient-rich deep waters to the surface make eastern boundary upwelling systems...
Final-revised paper